
Idlewild 48

PDGA B-tier · Sat, May 27, 2023May 2023 · Burlington, KY

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Chris Perkins Sticky
Here are your course particulars for the tournament! Let me know if you have any questions about the layout, we will be sending a players email with more information tomorrow. Thanks! Idlewild 48 ... show more ›
May 23, 2023
show 5 earlier comments
Chris Perkins May 26, 2023 No sir, it is correct. Thanks.
Blake Shaffer May 26, 2023 Drew we are not playing the shortest pad. We are playing the pad just short of the long pad.
Drew Miller May 27, 2023 thanks. Forgot that one was added for the pro tour event! Looking forward to tomorrow. Hope there is enough daylight!
Brian Dargis
Hey what a great day for disc golf at the Pro Tour Course !!! Thanks Team Idlewild !!! I was exhausted and forgot to turn in a mini I found on hole 24 It's a metal Scott Burnet Open mini from last ... show more ›
May 27, 2023
Blake Shaffer Round 2 will begin at 2:45. Please pace yourself to finish round 2 by 8pm. May 27, 2023
Mike Sage First disc lost of the day. Orange hex off right fairway on 21 from the tee May 27, 2023
Mike Sage May 27, 2023 Just kidding. It’s a crave
Matthew Hargis Can Tyler Fischer and I be grouped on a card for round 1 (MA2) please? Thanks! May 26, 2023
Wynn Coggin If spots aren’t filled for some divisions, will you expand divisions that have a waitlist? Thanks! May 23, 2023
Blake Shaffer May 23, 2023 Yes we plan to do that as long as it doesn't create different tee pads in a group.
Sam Nicolosi I went ahead and signed up for MA2 because I didn’t want to miss out on being in but if there is a chance to move to MA40 I would really like to do that. Thank you. May 23, 2023
Blake Shaffer May 23, 2023 Sam we were able to open more spots in MA40. You can change divisions now.
Sam Nicolosi May 23, 2023 Thank you very much!
Ethan Owens Are we gonna have any special OB marked or will it just be in water? Also, I believe there is normally a Mando on hole 6 of 24 forcing you to go over the water, will we be playing that? May 23, 2023
Blake Shaffer May 23, 2023 Ethan we should have all of those details tomorrow.
Ethan Owens May 23, 2023 Sounds good, thanks!
Nick Cooke If u open ma40 I'll switch to it make an even 12 May 22, 2023
Blake Shaffer May 23, 2023 We just opened more spots!
James Kaiser Ken midgley, Michael McCann, Devin sauers and I are all traveling in for this tourney. Is it possible to get round 1 card together please? I know the second round accommodations aren't possible. Thanks in advance and can't wait to check out the course! May 22, 2023
Blake Shaffer May 23, 2023 James, we will do our best to make this happen
James Kaiser May 23, 2023 Thanks!
Mason Pierce Hey Blake. Would Mason and I be able to play in the same group again for this one? We have been wanting to play Idlewild for a while now. Plus Mason needs the endurance test. May 16, 2023
Chris Perkins May 16, 2023
Hey Andy- With this being two rounds, we aren't able to make accommodations for both rounds. If you ... show more ›
Mason Pierce May 16, 2023 Ok that's what I thought. Thank you
Blake Shaffer We have some exciting news! This event has been updated to a B-Tier with $750 added cash for Pro's and $750 added merchandise for AM's!! May 15, 2023
Dr.Smooth els Crazy why not a one round tourney? Apr 30, 2023
Foster Hayes Will you consider opening more MA1 spots? Apr 30, 2023
Blake Shaffer Apr 30, 2023 There is currently one spot available for MA1!
Eric Erok D May 8, 2023 Any chance spots will get moved to MA1 now?
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