Ice on the Pond-2024 Ice Bowl

Singles tournament

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hosted by Lake County Disc Golf (formerly Painesville Disc Golf Club)


  • Sat
    Feb 24

    8:30am - 9:30am

    Check in

    9:35am - 9:45am

    Players meeting

    10:00am - 1:00pm

    Tee off and round

    1:00pm - 1:45pm

    side games

    2:00pm - 3:00pm



GEN General $30

About this tournament

Just want to thank everyone for the turnout today! I hope you enjoyed your round. St James will be thrilled with the cash and food we made today. You did your part to help feed the hungry in a difficult time for all maybe even some of us! Giving back to community is a very important part of Lake County Disc Golf! I will be posting totals and scores within the week. Special Thanks to Jerome Hinkel, Larry Bright, Jon Gensel for the great wood 1st place trophys, all who donated a CTP and all who helped me in any way!! All of ya!!! This info will be turned into Ice Bowl HQ and when I recieve the letter from church it will also post here first.

Thanks all who registered for this event to help feed the hungry! Please remember to bring 2 or more cans of food (In Date) to the event
If you want to still join us without a players pack just message here. Still can win prizes and side games just too late to get more P Packs.

Join us for the usual winter fun at our 2024 Ice bowl to feed the hungry. 30 dollars and 2 or more cans of food gets you in and includes side games. We will be doing a 50/50 ace fund at 2 dollars day of also. All proceeds after cost of player pack, and all food will go to St James food programs in Painesville. The players pack will be an "Ice Bowl 24" towel and an Ice Bowl Stamped Mini.
Prizes will go at least 6 deep in A and B divisions with Ice bowl Disc and Merch. I believe this is our 13th year in Lake County.
Remember this is strictly a give back to community event so fun will be had!!
Thanks for everyones support! You can let me know A or B division day of!.
Please register by 2/10 so I can order players packs.

Refund policy

Lake County Disc Golf (formerly Painesville Disc Golf Club) is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.