IOS #93 The Highlander - All Other Divisions

PDGA logoSunday, August 19, 2018 at Highland Park in Joliet, Illinois
Pro C-tier / Amateur B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament


Tournament DirectorScott Pitner
Asst Tournament DirectorMike Krupicka

About this tournament

Singles - 2 rounds of at about 18-holes. Number of holes subject to change depending on weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances. All divisions will play the same tees and basket locations for both rounds.

REGISTRATION/CHECK-IN (note new times!):
7:30-8:30 AM, Players Meeting: 8:45 AM, Tee Time shortly thereafter. There will be a 1 hour break for lunch. If you do not check in by the appointed time, there is a possibility that your spot will be given up to another player!


*Save $5 off the prices below when you pre-register!
Saturday Divisions
MPO Open Men - $55.00
MA2 Intermediate - $40.00
MA4 Novice - $40.00

FA2 Intermediate Women - $40.00
FA4 Novice Women - $40.00

Save $5 off the prices below when you pre-register!
Sunday Divisions
MP40 Pro Masters 40+ - $55.00
MP50 Pro Masters 50+ - $55.00
FPO Open Women - $55.00
MA1 Advanced - $40.00
FA1 Advanced Women - $40.00
MA40 Amateur Masters 40+ - $40.00
MA50 Amateur Masters 50+ - $40.00
MA60 Amateur Masters 60+ - $40.00
MA3 Recreational - $40.00
FA3 Recreational Women - $40.00
MJ1 Junior - $28.00 (trophy only)
FJ1 Junior Women - $28.00 (trophy only)

1/2 In For Pros - $30
Trophy Only for Am's - $28

Refund policy

The Illinois Open Series follows the refund policies and procedures as outlined in the 2018 PDGA Competition Manual.


Current Standings

PDGA results at
1Randy Moore Sr5663
2Scott Cummins6262
3Chris Bianchi6363
4Thomas Barnum6562
1Matt Travis5557
2David Garb5755
3Marc Davis5658
4Joshua Pole5659
4Steven Beard5659
6Brandon Cox5959
6Dan Klenck6157
8Joe Klenck5862
9George Maltsiniotis6160
10Zach Finwall5864
11Trevor Aaby5964
12Joshua Falcone6868
1Doug Voth5664
2Jonathan Glover6261
3Matthew Stretch Lane6368
1Roger Tranowski5560
2Jake Jacobs6261
3Brian Larson6267
4Brad Williams6667
5Greg Miller6869
6Robert Morales6773
7Brad Eakle7273
7James A. Wagner7174
1John Nisbet6270
2Don Ruben7069
3William Graves7571
4John Cleaveland7476
1Adam Doerrfeld6255
2Noah Bosman6158
3Jason Carey5664
4Paul Buss6160
4Travon Brown6259
6Joshua Turyna5964
7Tim Jones5866
8Ben Bijak6362
9Christian Trejo6264
9Matthew Zaring6264
9Vitas Jokubauskas6165
12Nicholas Golob6562
13Matthew Morse6365
13Russ Morgan6068
15Jason Turtle Hibben6168
15Tyler Feldheim6564
15Vernon Manning6366
18Brett Rich6864
18Donovan Livingston6666
20Michael Castiglione6172
21Jeffrey Cvikota6272
22Stanley Filczer6471
23Larry Pennuto6868
24Andy Paulausky7270
24Brandon Dluzen6973
26David Langkamp7773
1Heather Polfuss7668
2Casey Jillson7378
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