I81DGS- Dynamic Discs Culpeper Memorial Open

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Mon, May 25-27, 2024

Hosted by Culpeper Disc Golf, LLC

Part of I81DGS 2024


E. Foster Ed Foster MP50
J. Tompkins JT Tompkins MA60
C. Roberts Caleb Roberts MA2
T. Grimsley Tonya Grimsley FA3
I. Madden Isaac Madden MA4
A. Bolden Amanda Bolden FA4
J. Taggett Jace Taggett MJ12



MPO Mixed Pro Open $75
FPO Women's Pro Open $75
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $75
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $60
FA1 Women's Am 1 $60
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $60
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $60
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $60
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $60
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $60
FA3 Women's Am 3 $60
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $60
FA4 Women's Am 4 $60
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 $40

About this tournament

The 4th annual Culpeper Memorial Open, presented by Dynamic Discs will be a 3-day B-Tier tournament, competing on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. This will also be an I81 Disc Golf Series event. All three days will be assigned tee times. There will be other competitions throughout the weekend outside of tournament play, to include a putting Competition presented by Spitony’s Pizza. We are also looking for a sponsor to hold an Ace bounty. Unlike previous years, this tournament will take place entirely at Spilman Park. There will be vendors set up if you need a last-minute disc to add to your bag, as well as that all important swag item to make you look your best out on the course. We will also be utilizing the alternate long tees that we have been using for the past 2 tournaments at Spilman, as we continue to tweak their locations. A detailed map will be sent out just prior to the start of the tournament. The divisions using the temporary long tees are specified in the different pools listed. Please disregard the layout assignments listed in the flyer. All divisions will receive trophies based on the number of registered players in that division at the time the trophies are ordered. For the Amateur division, this will be a True Amateur Event in accordance with CM 2.05.

Pro Payout Added Cash: $1500
PDGA Player Fee: $3
Tournament Director Fee: $3
Park Use Fee: $ 10
I81DGS Fee: $1
Pro Purse Payout: $58
AM Player Pack Value: $43

Refund policy

Culpeper Disc Golf, LLC is responsible for all refunds and will follow Competition Manual 1.03 when determining a player's eligibility for full, partial, or no refund, including assessing a $10 handling fee.