Huron Valley Open
Comments 75 following
About this tournament
Douglas McIntosh Sticky September 15, 2017 at 11:20pm
I have printed out OB sheets for all each card, here is an online copy if you lose your hard copy
just added not printed on sheet - grass parking lot between holes 8,9,10 is marked with paint is OB
hole 1 - over fence on left side OB, over white flags on the right of fairway and long of the basket OB
hole 2 - over fence OB, marked sand traps OB
hole 3 - sand traps OB
hole 4 - rock wall long of basket around pond is OB
hole 5 - rock wall on left is OB
hole 6 -
hole 7 -
hole 8 - ma ...
Douglas McIntosh Sticky September 13, 2017 at 4:09am
We are now full and have started a wait list, and about 35 people who are cashless pre-reg, So I am guessing about 8-10 people on the waitlist will get in. so sign up now
We will be playing 23 holes x 4 people = 92 spots
Just a head up, for anyone that that wants to pay in advance, online registration closes Thursday night @ 10pm
If you pay the day of the event it will be an extra $5
The only thing that would help my score would be the fountain of youth.
The hole he added has fountain of youth all over it. 300ft max
Douglas McIntosh September 18, 2017 at 6:27pm
I'd like to thank the 90 people that came out and participated this weekend at the Huron Valley Open, I'd also like to thank the throw shop and Lakeshore for letting us use the course. I'd also like to thank Midwest Misfits DGC for donating the MA3/MA4 "50% off Keen shoes" CTP on hole 4 won by Matt Neal. The $160 50/50 on hole 15 was won by Eric Manidor, David Tomlinson won the $60 CTP on hole 13. Lyle Downing won the $350 Ace pool money in a throw off since the only ... more
Rooster Robb DeHaan September 17, 2017 at 1:23pm
Great tournament Doug. It was well ran and a good time. Thanks for all that you do for Southeast Michigan disc golf.
Wesley Shinevar September 17, 2017 at 12:23pm
Great tournament! I forgot to check if I won the Am 3 CTP. Anyone know who had It? Also lost a red Ringer to the pond.
I will post scores and CTP winners on DGS in a couple hours, I did pass out the CTP for am3/4 that was on hole 4
Sounds good. Ty. Red crystal sparkle flx Ringer. Should have my name and phone number on it. Thanks again fellas
Douglas McIntosh September 15, 2017 at 11:24pm
The throw shop will be selling Pizza for lunch so please let them know before the round if you are interested , so they are order accordingly , they also have beverages as well,
please car pool if possible since park is tight
thank you
Scuba Steve September 15, 2017 at 5:40pm
Please unreg Rob Spataro from am3 waitlist. Thanks Doug
Mark Metzger September 15, 2017 at 11:59am
Mark Metzger is paid now.
Douglas McIntosh September 15, 2017 at 6:16am
Anyone that knows they will not be able to make it Saturday please let me know , so the people on the waiting list know if there getting in
Thank you
Scott Ransley September 15, 2017 at 2:04am
Pai&. You can remove my 2nd self.
lyle downing September 15, 2017 at 1:50am
Paid please remove second reg
William Freed September 15, 2017 at 1:12am
Dropping out, give my spot away!
Sry boys, work day for the new course out at Mott park, gotta go out there and give grasso and them a hand. Good luck today!
Matt Neal September 14, 2017 at 11:30pm
Matt Neal is now paid! You can remove my second registration. Thank you see ya Saturday
Jason Erwin September 14, 2017 at 11:29pm
Jason Erwin AM4 #75969 for the waitlist please
Matt Clark September 14, 2017 at 11:23pm
Matt clark is now paid! You can remove my second registration. Thank you see ya Saturday
David Tomlinson September 14, 2017 at 11:13pm
I pre paid as David Tomlinson, so you can remove one of my entries, thank you.
Douglas McIntosh September 14, 2017 at 5:03pm
online registration closes at 10pm
Those that have cashless pre reg, and would like to pay in advance,you have until 10pm
anyone that is is not planning on coming Saturday, please let me know so the people on the wait list can get in
Scuba Steve September 14, 2017 at 3:32pm
Rob Spataro am3 waitlist
CODY ARMSTRONG September 14, 2017 at 1:26pm
Not sure if ive missed the cutoff but.
Cody Armstrong am4
#98110 waitlist
Jason Kirkaldy September 14, 2017 at 12:51pm
^27742 wait list please mpo
just a heads up but there is nothing showing for ob on hole A
It's on the sheet , I missed it here though , Thanks
Hole A - over the Fence is OB