In an effort to highlight and bring together all of the clubs of Houston in fellowship, we at Still Banging have purchased a new traveling trophy. THE HOUSTON CLUB CUP will be a trophy kept by the winning club for a year. It will be brought back annually to be played for at this event moving forward.
Players will let us know what club they are playing for that day. The PDGA C tier will take place as any other tournament would. This is a PDGA event, and payouts will reflect the PDGA standards.
At the end of the day, we will take the best AM score and the best PRO score from each club, and make them a doubles team. They will play against the other club's teams in a SAFARI FINAL 9. The winner of that final 9 will win the cup for their club. The club president of the winning club will be presented with the HOUSTON CLUB CUP at the end.
We would like to see ALL of Houston's fine clubs represented at this event. We would like to see all the club presidents make an appearance at the end of the event to root for and support their representatives as they try to bring home the glory for their local club.
So get signed up for this great event, and come support all the great clubs that do so much for the great sport we all love!
EXTRAS (day of):
Ace Pot- $5 (If not hit, we will CTP for 50% of the pot.)
50/50 CTPS- $5,$5,$5
IF the ace pot is not hit, then we will CTP for 50% of the ace pot. The other half, as well as the remaining half of all CTPs will be awarded to the winning club to be used for club support and projects in the name of Still Banging, and Houston Disc Golfers.
At this time, we are not offering the junior divisions. A couple of reasons. 1, we have seen little to no participation when offered. 2, this is likely due to the lack of juniors on this side of town. We would be interested in offering these divisions if there were more interest.