Homestead Classic

PDGA C-tier · Amateur

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hosted by ARMDGA

Part of 2020 Wild Rose Series



MA1 Mixed Am 1 C$45
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ C$45
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ C$45
MA2 Mixed Am 2 C$45
FA2 Women's Am 2 C$35
MA4 Mixed Am 4 C$45
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 C$35

About this tournament

++++ READ FIRST +++++
We are very pleased to be able to provide sanctioned play in Alberta once again. Of course, sanctioning at this time is conditional. Whereas there are PDGA Requirements and then also PDGA Best Practices all our events will follow both the Requirements and the Best Practices where applicable.

- Limit our events to 50-60 people per day with tee times.
- Limit our groups to 3-4 people
- PDGA Digitial Scoreboard will be utilized
- Player Packs will be provided

Your safety and well being extremely important to us so we will be adhering to the requirements outlined by the Alberta Government:

++ PDGA Requirements and Best Practices ++
We will also be implementing the Requirements and Best Practices for PDGA Sanctioned Play During COVID-19 as outlined in the document linked below (where applicable):


++ Women's Divisions ++
All Women’s divisions receive a 10$ discount! That means all women divisions will be prized out based on $45 entry not the reduced $35 entry fees!

++ Junior Divisions ++
Mixed Junior divisions on offer:
MJ18 - under 18 years - All players between 16-18 years old
MJ15 - under 15 years - All players 15 or younger

Women only Junior divisions on offer:
FJ18 - Under 18 years old

Please note: We're aware that the majority of the Juniors who have played this course over the last two years are likely to register into Novice(MA4) or, more appropriately(because our juniors are great) Intermediate(MA2).

We will adjust our divisions as the event grows closer to ensure we've got a fun and competitive experience for all the Juniors involved.


We will be playing both basket positions during the event. Between Wednesday and Thursday during the event week, we will be moving the baskets to the Round 1 position.

The Tee Pads will not change between the two rounds.

Mix of Blue and White Tees - MA1, MA40, MA2
-- To be determined August 19, 2020

Mix of White and Red Tees - FA2, MA50, MA4, MJ15
-- To be determined August 19, 2020

++++ COURSE NOTES ++++

There will be Hazard and Out-of-bounds documented for competitors on Thursday, August 20, 2020. We will have the course fully marked by Friday, August 21, 2020.

OFFICIAL COURSE NOTES will be provided Friday August 21, 2020.

++++ TEE TIMES ++++

Official Tee Times will be posted on Friday Afternoon. PLEASE BE ADVISED If you see Tee Times prior to Friday Afternoon on the PDGA event page they are not official tee times.


We've seen the Kaxe, the Reko, and the Berg so far. Let's Kaxe-z this place up.

MIDRANGE DRIVER 6 / 5 / 0 / 2

This is beadless midrange that behaves like a seasoned-ish Kaxe. It's faster than most midranges at a speed 6, which brings it close to control driver territory. This is something anyone can throw.

++++ HOT ROUND ++++

We'll have an assortment of division focused Hot Round Prizes to award at the end of your divisions final round!

++++ RAFFLE ++++

We're not likely to be able to accommodate the end of series raffle onsite so it will be hosted at a later date via technology and magic. Just know we've got a Züca set aside with someones number on it.

Additionally, we will have a sundry of additional awesome we've compiled from Kastaplast, the Canadian Kastaplast Distributor Acerunners, AND Lobo's stock of rarities. Sigh.


We had hoped we'd be closer to being able to provide award ceremonies and the like by the data of this event. Even with our precautions we're trepidatious about any potential congregation trouble.

Our Champs will receive something pretty special. We'll have more on that soon.


Refund policy

JKDiscs is responsible for refunds.

You can see our refund policy here: