Heritage Park Open - Drive by Innova

PDGA logoSaturday, June 13, 2020 at Heritage Park Belton in Belton, Texas
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

2 Rounds of 20 Holes - PDGA Sanctioned C-Tier Event
Max Attendance of 80 players
Maximum Card Size of 4 players
All PDGA Rules and Regulations will be in effect.
All US and Texas State Regulations in regards to Covid are in effect.
More information regarding procedures the day of the event will be posted in the coming week.
To minimize human interaction, Online Registration will be the only way to sign up for this event.
Hole Assignments will be posted on the PDGA Event Page the NIGHT BEFORE the event. or as soon as the event fills, whichever happens first.
Amateur players will be required to check-in to pick up their players pack disc.
7am-8am - Amateur Players Pack Pick Up
8:15am - Scorecards Ready for Pick Up - ONLY THE PLAYER ON TOP of the CARD is to PICK UP the Scorecards for the Hole. After the round, the player with the BEST SCORE will turn in ALL THE SCORECARDS to Tournament HQ.
9:00am - Round 1 Shotgun Start
Round 2 TBD
NO AWARDS CEREMONY - After the conclusion of ROUND 2, please return to your vehicle and await the posting of the FINAL RESULTS. After the FINAL RESULTS ARE POSTED, the WINNERS and those players collecting AMATEUR PAYOUT will need to return to Tournament HQ to pick their prizes. AM's will be paid out in the order they placed, starting with 1st and proceeding to last paid spot. PRO's will be paid out via PayPal.

The actual # of holes may move up to 21 and max attendance up to 84, TBD

Refund policy

4 The Chains DG is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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