
Hazy Shade presents the 10th Annual Echo Valley Open sponsored by Dynamic Discs

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, Jul 27-28, 2024Jul 2024 · Springboro, OH

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Jeremy Pennucci Tee times are posted. Great day today, see you tomorrow! If you can't make it for any reason please email me so we can make sure cards work out right. Congratulations to our CTP winner Kayla, make sure to have room to take your new cart home tomorrow. Jul 28
Ethan Owens I'm interested in why MA1 and MPO/MP40 are rating differently for today. I'm pretty sure we're playing the same layout with the same OB's, correct me if I'm wrong. Will this be something that is updated when you submit the tournament report for official ratings? Jul 27
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Jeremy Pennucci Jul 28 These will be updated to the same layout. We split them so we could post tee times early for some divisions. We will set you all on one layout before we submit.
Ethan Owens Jul 28 Awesome, thanks Jeremy!
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 28
I changed all the layouts back at this point. I'm curious to know if this changed for you? If not it ... show more ›
Brandon Stevens Could’ve swore I signed up for MA1 a week ago.. Did the registration not go through? Jul 26
Brandon Stevens Jul 26 Or was I removed for some reason?
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 26 I'll review later but only removed someone who requested a refund. Please check your PayPal and I'll look this evening after the flex
Jeremy Pennucci
If you didn't get an email from me please double check your listed email on DGS. Welcome to the Echo Valley Open Weekend. Thanks for playing. Everything you need to know will be right here in our p ... show more ›
Jul 26
Jeremy Pennucci Wait list folks, I'm going to try my best to get you in. We can not add more cards but if I get enough space from another division I'll add a card to your division Jul 24
Henry Wise Jul 25
When will the final list be out to see if waitlist players are in or out? Also I know tomorrow is th ... show more ›
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 25 We will offer a full refund if you in the wait-list for sure. I'll leave you on until the event
Henry Wise Jul 25 Sounds great, Thank you.
David Snodgrass Will the tee times correspond to the divisions list in the schedule? Starts w MA60 and ends w MPO. Trying to get a feel for where MA40s will tee off.
Thanks for all the work guys!!
Jul 22
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 23 Yes every 10 min starting at 7:40 is my draft. Should get you close. I'll post in a few days when the event closes
Ritish Sharma Coming off the waitlist how can i update my shirt size without it prompting me to pay again? Was looking to add the Mens Medium option. Thanks Jul 13
Billy Whitacre Jul 13 Go to the "Registered Players" tab and then click "Edit" below your name.
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 13 Thank you Billy
Chase Barstow Is there anyway for me to be moved from MA1 to MA2? Jul 9
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Chase Barstow Jul 10 Nevermind, I will just stay in MA1
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 10 So Chase I can add you to the MA1 list and if a spot opens move you. If not you stay in MA1. I'll have to add you so you don't pay twice if this is the way you want to go
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 24 Space open currently in MA2 Chase
Jeremy Pennucci We are trying to get as many of you in this event as we can. This may mean we move tee times up a little to 7:30 start times to get as many players as we can. If this is an issue please let me know. Jul 5
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DJ Justice Jul 5
I assume MA60 tees off earlier. That's fine with me but I don't know about everyone else. In all fai ... show more ›
Joshua Kirk Jul 15 Yes, what divisions will tee first? What's the planned order?
Jeremy Pennucci Jul 19 The order is posted in the about section
Jeremy Pennucci
Very nice update by the PDGA. We can now share a link to the round details with you that as I update it updates as well. Here will be the layouts for the Echo Valley Open MPO / MP40 / MA1 https:// ... show more ›
Jun 26
Jeremy Pennucci Layouts

MPO, MP40, MA1 will play Gold

All others BLUE

We will play our normal OBs and Carl will layout all OB's at least 11 miles off the creeks for those concerned :)
Jun 26
Chris Mahaffey Jul 4 Thanks Carl. Hahahaha
Tyim Courts Jul 21 lol just saw the 11 miles joke.
Jeremy Pennucci Ok I have bumped the waitlist in and set limits on the divisions. We will most likely NOT add more spots than the 180. If you were promoted please make sure to update your info for shirt size and ace fund. Shirt order will be placed soon and sizes will then be limited. Jun 26
Dylan Hauser No ace pot is a crime Jun 18
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Dylan Hauser Jun 21 Ahhh that makes sense, my apologies!! If i make it off the waitlist is there an easy way to sign up for the pot??
Jeremy Pennucci Jun 26 yes you can edit after
Dylan Hauser Jun 26 Just finished editing, thanks again!
Aaron 'Sizzle' Carroll I'll sign up if Carl promises to not paint the OB line 10 miles off the creek on hole #4. Hahahaha. Jun 6
Justin Apgar Jun 8 That was my issue on 18. I wasn't in the bog but I was o.b. I guess I just need to throw a few feet further
Kayla Dorsey If no other women sign up, would I be able to move to MA4? Jun 1
Jeremy Pennucci Jun 1 Yes for sure.
Marc Schwartz Any significance of 57$ entry fee? May 29
Chris Mahaffey May 29 It's all explained in the registration.
Marc Schwartz May 29 Wondering if like heinz ?? Probably not attending two dayer
Jeremy Pennucci May 29 Its all about the tournament manager and event fees Marc. We are just listing them here now to avoid them being a part of the tournament report.
Andrew Pacifico What layout does Ma2 and Ma3 play? May 29
Jeremy Pennucci May 29 Blue unless we get the new pads in before
Ethan Owens Will MPO and MA1 both be playing golds? May 23
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