Hawktoberfest 2021

Doubles tournament

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Hosted by Bob Kulchuk


  • Sun
    Oct 17

    7:30am - 8:30am

    Player check in


    Estimated start of round one - Amateur divisions (except AM1 and FA1) on the General round one


    Estimated start of round one - Pro divisions and MA1 and FA1 on the Hill round one


    estimated lunch


    Estimated start to round two - Pro divisions and MA1 and FA1 on the General round two


    Estimated start to round two - Amateur divisions (except MA1 and FA1) on the Hill round two


XPO Mixed Pro $80 / team
XA1 Mixed Advanced $60 / team
XA2 Mixed Intermediate $50 / team
MPO Mixed Pro Open $80 / team
FPO Women's Pro Open $80 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $60 / team
FA1 Women's Am 1 $60 / team
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $50 / team
FA2 Women's Am 2 $50 / team
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $50 / team

About this tournament

Hawktoberfest returns! This best shot doubles tournament plays two rounds, one on The Hill and one on The General.

Pro Divisions play for cash after expenses - MPO = Two open players, FPO = Two pro ladies, XPO = One Male, One Female Pro

All AM players who registered by 9/30 will receive a shirt. Pros will have the option to purchase a shirt.

AM divisions will play for funny money after expenses redeemable at Disc Golf 978. AM divisions will be XA1 = one male, one female Advanced player, FA1 = two female Advanced players, MA1 = two open Advanced players, FA2 = two female Intermediate players, MA2 = two open Intermediate players, MA3 = two open Recreational players.

Register asap, this one has sold out every year!

$5 from each team fee will be donated to Throw Pink.

If no ace gets hit, the ace pot will be donated to Throw Pink also.

Refund policy

Bob Kulchuk is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Refunds will be handled in accordance with the PDGA refund policy 1.03 in the Competition Manual. Requests must be made using the confirmation email received at registration, or via withdrawal request from DiscGolfScene. Requests made via the comments section will not be honored.

Your request will be reviewed by tournament staff before resolving.