David Galvin
Sweet Hat update is awesome! How much does it cost to have a disc dyed and do we bring our ideas or is it random?? Looking forward to this event! Oct 2, 2018
Chris Collette Oct 2, 2018I checked with Adam who said that it will be $10-20 and players can bring their own discs or buy one from my store. Players can bring their own ideas or look through Adam's book of options.
Matt Steinberg
I was able to sign up for the ace pot for myself but not my partner. Does $5 cover us both, or can he bring 5 bucks the day of if he wants in? I've tried to go back and edit, but there seems to be a glitch. Sep 19, 2018
Chris Collette Sep 20, 2018He can bring $5 the day of the event if he wants.