Haunted Waters 2024

PDGA logoSaturday, October 26, 2024 at Denison Park in Corning, New York
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Haunted Waters 2024 graphic
Added cash $600


Tournament DirectorJonathan Hall
Assistant to the tournament directormatt miller

About this tournament

Welcome to the 2024 Haunted waters.

This year once again Rapid rivers will be on site for AM Payouts, all Amateurs will receive a tournament Athletic hoodie for there Player Pack.

All players signed up before October 1st will receive their hoodie at the tournament, those signed up after October 1st their hoodie will be shipped to them.

and pros will have 100% payout plus added cash.

We will playing two rounds from the white tees, with some slight changes from years past (more info to come)

Thank you rapid rivers, liquid shoes brewing, choice auto glass and Knappys auto body for sponsoring the tournament!

Pro divisions must have 2 competitors for added cash

Hole sponsors mike kaiserian, and Craig gelder!

Refund policy

Corning 20%'ers is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/84038
Round 1: Denison Park - snapper layout modified, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: Denison Park - snapper layout modified, 18 holes, par 55
1matt miller4750$480
2Justin King5149$303
3James Broughton5752
3Andrew Moles5455$192
5Jonathan Hall5060
5Tucker Middleton5852
7Alex Clark5655
8Dakota Sheldon6061
9Dan Robbins53999
1Randy Conklin5754
1Alex Chang5853
3Dan Willistein5659
4Garrett Kreeger5661
5Justin Lor6059
6Paris Canzler5664
7Cody Buterbaugh6061
8Kris Boogie Man Brown6458
9Joshua Ballance6558
10Rob Canzler6959
10Frankie Schaller6761
1Christian DeLamielleure5956
2Arthur Wallace6058
3Craig Gelder6260
4Justin Dusseault5767
5Richard Bills6362
1Monty Ader5758
2Kevin Jakway6668
3Mark Wheaton7669
1Sheldon DeMarco Sr5763
2Mike Young6667
3John Fiutko6771
4Thomas Menechella7371
5Rick Powell999-
1Cory McCarty5556
2Brandon DeMarco5559
3Matthew Forrest6256
4Michael Kaiserian6556
5John Hiney5963
6Andrew Meyers6162
7Cody Winsor6263
8Derek Chevalier6366
8Chase Jones6663
10Marcus Dier6966
11Drew Staherski6967
12Brady Bond6970
13Martin Tovar7370
14Timothy Ballance65999
1Jon Hunt6262
2Caiden Henley5867
3Michael Schmidlin6364
4William Stoddart6664
5Nicholas Kreig6667
6Shaun Donahue6768
7Anthony Kelly7067
8Thomas Sheehan7269
9Ethan Bartoo7073
10Maxwell Bourcier7669
11Zachary Comfort7671
12Austin Agee7573
13Patton Montgomery7773
13Dakota SanFilippo7278
15Eric Sutton7779
16Joey Matarese8374
17Daniel Miles8390
18Erich Preston9188
19Jesse Baron999-
19Justin Bradley999-
1Abby Clark6968
2Emily Winsor7074
1Rowen Ader6349
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