
Harvest Doubles Day 2 (Pro and Am Mixed, Am2, Am3, Am4 and Age Protected)

PDGA B-tier Doubles · Sun, Oct 12, 2014Oct 2014 · Grand Ledge, MI

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Samantha Yanssens Just realized Doug and I are missing our stools! Last place I remember having them was here. If anyone found them I would love em back! One has a disc girl and dg is therapy for the soul sticker, unsure about the other one might just be plain. Thank you! Oct 23, 2014
Matt Rinker Oct 23, 2014 I believe I have them. I'll check when I get home.
Samantha Yanssens Oct 23, 2014 That would be awesome!
Craig Clingan What a gorgeous day for disc golf yesterday. Had a blast and playing on the new tee pads was great too. Thanks Matt and Co. for another fun event! Oct 13, 2014
Matt Rinker
Because I anticipated 21 holes, the cap was set at 84 players. The park, because of a Fall Color tour, would not allow for the added holes, which means there will be floater groups tomorrow. I do no ... show more ›
Oct 12, 2014
Jordan Bond I registered yesterday and paid but I'm not on here and there were slots still available Oct 11, 2014
Matt Rinker Oct 11, 2014 I don't have a payment from you in my paypal account.
James Estelle hey I paid with card thanks Oct 11, 2014
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James Estelle Oct 11, 2014 i got reciept in email
James Estelle Oct 11, 2014 i can give transaction code
Matt Rinker Oct 11, 2014 You're good.
Matt Rinker FULL! Any other cashless pre-reg will be placed on the waitlist Oct 11, 2014
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William Weideman Oct 10, 2014 Is it too late to mail a check? Can I still pay through DGScene?
Matt Rinker Oct 10, 2014 too late to mail a check. I will open up the wait list option for pre pays. pay there and I'll remove your cashless reg. Thanks
William Weideman Oct 10, 2014 Thank you sir. Just payed up
Victor Wahl Vic Wahl 59840 + Charlotte
Advanced mixed
Deuce Bags
Oct 11, 2014
James Estelle am2 I will catch up with u on partner and payment Oct 10, 2014
Brenden Tetloff Please switch team southpaw to am1 day 1 Oct 10, 2014
Stephanie Gerry I just from pay pal team name battle creek nightmares so can u please take me and Todd off the cashless pre reg thanks matt Oct 10, 2014
Jon Marble Just paid with pp for team c4 Oct 10, 2014
jeremy prebble Please add Jeremy prebble and troll to am3 Oct 10, 2014
Matt Rinker Attention all players: today, Thursday October 9th, Fitz disc golf course will be shut down from 430 to 6 for a cross country meet. Sorry for the late notice, I was just informed. Oct 9, 2014
Brenden Tetloff Please add Brenden Tetloff #64742 and Tyler Quinn #62997. Team Southpaw Oct 9, 2014
Brenden Tetloff Oct 9, 2014 am3
Matt Rinker FYI... Ace pool and 5050 equal $10 for the team ($2 per player ace pool and $3 per player 5050). If you over paid on-line, you will be reimbursed at the event. Sorry for any confusion Oct 9, 2014
Rich K Matt, could you please move a team tree Crashers to am4 I signed us up for the wrong division

Oct 7, 2014
Tyler Nichols Tyler Nichols and Cole Alexander am3 team X Blades Oct 7, 2014
Zach Young Can you sign up Zach Young 67065 and Tyler Wise 67318 for am2. Team Deuce or Die Oct 7, 2014
Zach Young Oct 7, 2014 Aaaactually we would like to be team Pup n' Suds lol
Ken B Ken Bare #63855 and Carl Nordmann #67312 AM3. Team BareMann. Thanks!
Oct 7, 2014
Ken B Oct 8, 2014 actually did the paid pre reg. disregard this cashless one please!
Matt Rinker
Note to all players... the original plan was to have this event set with 21 holes. However, due to other activities at the park, it will only be 18 holes per round (2 rounds will be played). That me ... show more ›
Oct 7, 2014
Ben Gosset Hey could u add Ben Gosset #59458 and Aaron LeHigh #65949 to the Recreational Division we will pay in cash the day of ,if thats cool? Oct 7, 2014
Ben Gosset Oct 6, 2014 Team name: K'Zoo Crew
Matt Rinker Oct 6, 2014 not a prob... see you sunday
Ben Gosset Oct 8, 2014 thanks
Liz Carr Sypien What's the format for pro mixed? Oct 7, 2014
Matt Rinker Oct 6, 2014 8 girl drives and 8 guy drives plus two wild card drives. You don't need to decide on which drive to take til both players have thrown.
Bruce Brakel Oct 7, 2014 So for mixed doubles, so long as the partners split the drives 8 and 8, and at least one of the partners is a girl, can the partners decide which partner is the girl?
Jon Marble Can u swap chad eakins 62213. For nick barns team C4 am 2 Oct 6, 2014
Jayne Snider Me 34371 and ahh... tbd. And team name tbd as well. Can I give cash to erin? Not sure when I will see you rinker. Lemme know. Thanks sir. Oct 6, 2014
Matt Rinker Oct 6, 2014 Unless erin can get me the cash before the event, just pat the day of
Jayne Snider Oct 6, 2014 ok. and sadly im out already. family obligation I was just informed of. :(
Jason Brower Team DeerKill
Jason Brower 43100 MA2
Robert Brower
Oct 6, 2014
Bret Ovens Bret ovens 62559 and Brad Cady 62429 am2 team usa Oct 6, 2014
Kris Vezino Kris Vezino 67798 and Nik Peeper Am3 Team America Oct 5, 2014
Samantha Yanssens Samantha Socia 55347 Doug granby 55107 Wish You Were Ear am mixed please Oct 3, 2014
Matt Rinker As much as I appreciate others trying to answer questions... please allow the admins to answer questions posted. It eliminates confusions and prevents people from answering incorrectly Oct 2, 2014
Ryan Sweet Is it one or two rounds? Oct 2, 2014
Matt Rinker Oct 1, 2014 2
Stan Razmus Matt...what happens if we are the only team in Am Masters? Oct 1, 2014
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Stan Razmus Oct 4, 2014 Switch us to AM1.
Stan Razmus Oct 6, 2014 Can you give me a call...(616) 272-0911
Stan Razmus Oct 11, 2014 Thanks for getting back with me! Unfortunately we will not be able to attend...
Sarah DeMar Donkey and Diddy, open mixed, Sarah DeMar 25166 and Geoff Bennett 24962 Oct 1, 2014
Jim Jean Please unreg Team Jean. Jimmy and Paul Jean. Thanks Matt. Oct 1, 2014
TJ Meisterheim Pat Burke and TJ Meisterheim, Open. Team name coming soon! Woo woot! Oct 1, 2014
Mike Kemp Unregister Mike Kemp and Robert Crosby "Chain Out". Work conflictions. Thanks Matt. Sep 30, 2014
William Weideman Will Boekeloo 55384 & William Weideman 57571 for Am2 please. Sep 30, 2014
Bruce Brakel Could you cashless Bruce Brakel 13087 and ORF Brakel 1600_ for Advanced Mixed? We'll nail down who the one random female Brakel is when we get closer to the tournament and see who is actually available. Sep 30, 2014
Jayne Snider Jayne needs a pro dude to throw with. Any takers? Sep 29, 2014
TJ Meisterheim Sep 30, 2014 Ask Chris Kirby. he usually plays AM 1 for singles but he'll be great with you.
Matt Rinker Both days are sanctioned B tiers Sep 28, 2014
Danny Benda Can someone play if they don't have a pdga number? Sep 26, 2014
Matt Rinker Oct 1, 2014 Both days are Sanctioned B-Tiers. Non PDGA members will have to pay a $10 Non membership fee
Matt Rinker Oct 1, 2014 As much as I appreciate others trying to answer questions... please allow the admins to answer questions posted. It eliminates confusions and prevents people from answering incorrectly
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