Harp Sports Presents: NSU-Broken Arrow Disc Golf Amateur Flex Tournament (C-Tier)

PDGA logoSaturday, March 4, 2023 at NSU Broken Arrow in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Amateur C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Harp Sports Presents: NSU-Broken Arrow Disc Golf Amateur Flex Tournament (C-Tier) graphic

About this tournament

Registration is free for all participants of the main event. Just let the tourament director know that you would like to register for both, and you'll receive a discount code. (This does not include PDGA and processing fees.)

Others can form cards of three players and tee off anytime between 1-3pm. Must be coordinated through online registration and tournament director.

Morning players can enter their discount codes in the registration link below at registration. They will only need to pay any processing/PDGA fees for this event. Some have other obligations and won't be playing both. THOSE PLAYING AFTERNOON FLEX C-TIER MUST REGISTER IN SEPARATE EVENT IN LINK BELOW. TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR WILL CARD GROUPS TO TEE OFF BETWEEN 1-3PM.

Disc Golf Supplier
Harp Sports is an Authorized Prodigy Dealer.
Contact harpsports.com for order pricing.

Food Vendor

Event info from PDGA

These are local events that can easily be run in one day, on one course, with a minimal amount of staff and volunteers, but they certainly do not have to be small and/or simple. There are many large C-Tier events around the world each year that bring in hundreds of players and provide very large payouts for both the professional and amateur divisions.

Current PDGA membership NOT required to compete. Non-current members or non-members pay a $10 per-event fee when registering (except in Junior divisions).
Length: 1-2 days
Holes: minimum of 18 (36 preferred)
Cash Added to Pro Purse: optional
Minimum of 85% of Net Entry Fees to both Pro and Amateur payout

Refund policy

Harp Sports is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


NSU Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow, OK   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/68033
1Sonny Dalesandro4848
2Bradley Gleason5050
2Fisher Thomas5050
4Joe Fraley5353
5Chris Hutchinson5656
1Daniel Fergerson6161
1Kyle Willis5656
2Wyatt Knott5757
3Ryan Harp6060
4Marcus Philpot6161
1Kyle Stevenson5858
2Joey Burton6666
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