HOTT Leftovers #2 (HOTT Points event) presented by Mint Discs

PDGA logoSunday, December 1, 2024 at Sprinkle Valley DGC in Austin, Texas
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

HOTT Leftovers #2 (HOTT Points event) presented by Mint Discs graphic

About this tournament

Welcome to the First Annual HOTT Leftovers weekend from Mint Discs!

We will have 2 different Flex Starts - Saturday is Leftovers #1 and Sunday is Leftovers #2(this page).

Sign up for Saturday Leftovers:

Sign up for Sunday Leftovers:

Why is it called Leftovers? For one it's right after Thanksgiving.
Tee Boxes & Rules:
MPO, MP40, MP50, MA1 will play all longs

All other Pro & AM Divisions will play longs on 1-16 and shorts on 17-18.

PDGA Live Code: LEFT2
Rules have been updated on live scoring to reflect rules here.

We also end up with about 40-50 extra "leftover" trophies for our events each year. Some of these are when division's don't show, or even factory second trophies. So if you win your division, you will get to pick your "Leftover" Trophy from a previous event. We thought this would be more fun than throwing away trophies that are still good.

This is also one of the last chances to earn HOTT Points for 2024.

Pro/AM - $25
Greens Fees - $5
Total Cost - $30

AM Players Packs & Payout:
100% payout including a players pack. All AMs will receive a factory second "leftover" disc with our new Factory Second Stamp on top of it. This is valued at $15. Remaining balance will be issued as merch payout for those that qualify.

Pro Payout:
100% payout. Will be issue via Paypal after the event.

Refund policy

MINT Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Cory Garrard6060
1Ian Fredrickson6060
1Kevin Harris6060
4Kasper Pieters6161
5Adrian Zapata6464
5Thomas Perks6464
7Mark Lozano6565
8David Smith6666
9Nathan Tucker6767
10Andrew Wikert7070
11Will Anderson8282
1Vinnie Miller6666
2Martin Rendon6969
3Michael Burnham7575
1Cody Sharp5858
2Joshua Wolfe6262
3Ricardo Mota6464
3Ty Hammonds6464
5Alexander Erwin6565
6Cody Stone6767
6Eric Bennett6767
6Evan Parizot6767
9Jacob Geesin6868
10David Heavner6969
10Grant Hemingson6969
10Lionel Crutchfield6969
13Jeremy Marquette7070
13Matthew Nelson7070
13Preston Fleck7070
16Grant Wilburn7171
16Keaton Estes7171
18Dustin Maki7272
19Gabriel Atkins7373
20Daniel Caldwell7474
20Jacob Delgado7474
20Landon Williams7474
23Daniel Athey7575
23Joseph Hernandez7575
23Phillip Johns7575
23Ryan Kelly7575
27Eli Schmerler7878
28Steven Bleile8181
29Abel Garza8686
1Joshua Moll7272
2Brian Perez7474
3Will Golden8787
4Christian Flottman100100
1Zax Padilla6969
2Todd Moore7373
1Charles Whitley8181
2Juan Longoria9595
1Alex Duenas6666
1Mark Evans6666
3Daniel Freeberg7070
3Jonathon Garcia7070
5Christian Fredrickson7171
6Bogey Brandon7373
6Travis Salk7373
8Benjamin Navarro7474
8Jett Freeman7474
10Brooks McGee7575
11Josh Cortis7676
12Paul Shick7777
13Jason Allen7878
14Yilsun “Yoshi” Chong7979
15Matthew Pedraza8181
16Lee Fleming-0
1Mark Anschultze7171
2Michael Carpeno7373
3Stephen Zepeda7777
4Cheay Keomany7878
5David Bregger7979
5Shawn Murphy7979
7Jeb Berry8383
7Shawn Hanes8383
9Troy Abbott8484
1Paymon Rayetparvar8282
1Tat Whitley8282
3Floyd Banks8585
4Kevin Kunkel9494
1Jessica Hopper7878
2Destyne Martinez8080
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