H20fall 5th Annual TAWAWA BYOP

Doubles tournament

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Hosted by H20fall



MFA Mixed (male/female) amateur $80 / team
MPO Mixed Pro Open $80 / team
FPO Women's Pro Open $80 / team
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $80 / team
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $80 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $80 / team
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $80 / team
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $80 / team
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $80 / team
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $80 / team
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $80 / team
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $80 / team

About this tournament

H20fall and ChileS Disc Golf ServiceS
5th Annual Tawawa Weekend in assoc with DDG (Dayton Disc Golf)

Where: Tawawa Park in Sidney, Ohio
BEFORE you go through the gate fade LEFT and follow the flags to Guibe pavilion


Day #1

Saturday Sept 12th, 2020

Come on out and preview the layout by
The Ohio Disc Golf Hall of fame Course designer...Carl Chiles.

$5.00 PER HEAD Play all day if you wish.
Pay Carl Chiles or myself Tony Waterfall you can pay BEFORE/ DURING or AFTER your round...Honesty Policy.
(The course will be ( fingers crossed )set up by 10:00 am on Friday,(a post to be made on Facebook SW Ohio Disc Golf ANNND Tony Waterfall's Portable Disc Golf Course pages) when course is ready for play.

To adhere to Covid 19 guidelines for Montgomery County we will allow no more than 4 to a tee. and to facilitate flow for the day.
WE will be allowing you to sign up for tee times.

#1. View this link for available tee times.


#2. Request your tee time ONLY on Tony Waterfall's Portable Disc Golf Course Page in The Comments section.
If the post gets buried.... Just type in the search bar " Fisher House tee times"
And it will pop right up.

#3. I will update the Tee Times on that spreadsheet as soon as I can.


Day #2

Sunday Sept 13th, 2020

Format: Best Shot

Holes: 22 layout

Rounds: 1 round only.....tee times to be announced.

Registration: ONLY on this page only. ( disc golf scene )

Check in: tee times to be announced

There will be NO PLAYERS MEETING...al the information you will find here as well as the course particulars will be sent to you via e.mail. and Face Book

Tee Off: to be announced...will be sent to you via email. All tee times will be grouped by their division.

YOUR score card will be via UDISC.

Pro and Amateur.....$80 per TEAM !!
Your entry includes:

#1. $5 per head goes to Course Fee.

#2. $5.00 per team for ace pot
In the event of No ACE
100% of the ace pot to be played off by CTP


*Amateur ONLY Divisions **
Players Pack:..............while supplies last
DX flat top Glow roc.
H2Ofall 30 year top stamp.
Tawawa bottom rubber stamp.
all discs numbered....ONLY 75 discs available.

The vending for this tournament will be by Hazy Shade.
Amateur winners ( top 40% of their division) will be able to either pick out their winning on SITE

Details: To make a division Pro/ Rec/ Intermediate/ Advanced/ (Mixed= male/female)and so on.... there must be a minimum of X3 teams in that division.
Exception will be made:
If there are Two Mixed teams they will make up a division. If Only one mixed team....they will be moved to a Division of THIER choosing.

Payout will be 40% of each division.
Both Pro and Amateur divisions.

Pro paid out via PayPal or Venmo

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me "Tony" at Tony Waterfall's Portable Disc Golf Page or for more of an immediate response by phone:
(call or text) @(937) 418-1229.

Refund policy

H20fall is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.