H13 Disc Golf Launch Party - 3 Disc Challenge

Saturday, July 20, 2024 at Graytown Park in Elmendorf, Texas
Disc golf singles tournament

H13 Disc Golf Launch Party - 3 Disc Challenge graphic

About this tournament

Good morning San Antonio! First Available is excited to partner with San Antonio's new disc manufacturer H13 Disc Golf. H13 is releasing their first line up of discs on 7/1 and are excited to show them off at this launch party/3 disc challenge! Players must use the provided discs in their players pack for all throws. We will be playing from the short tees for this 18 hole challenge at Graytown Park.

Player Pack:
Putter - Embark 3 | 4 | 0 | 1
The Embark is our first putter, and a great start to building the perfect bag. It features a beaded rim and medium depth. Equipped with plenty of glide, this putter can handle all your putting needs. Circle 1 and 2 can be handled with no problem. Throwing off the tee or as an up shot you will see some turn if you put some torque behind it. This makes it great for turnovers or flip ups. No matter how its thrown, you will get a reliable, small fade to the end of your shots.

Approach - Companion 4 | 4 | 0 | 1
The Companion is our point and shoot approach disc. As a 4 speed, is sits right between a true mid and a putter. Its name speaks true to its roll in your game. To compliment your game and be your go to for approach shots. This disc handles torque really well staying on hyzer with little to no flip up, and finishes with a nice fade.

Fairway Driver - Adventurer 7 | 5 | -1 | 1
Debuting in our Journey Bound and Travel Bound premium blends, the Adventurer is ready for an instant spot in your bag. This 7 speed fairway gives great 'S' flights with slight turn and slight fade. With some torque you can get the Adventurer to stick on an anhyzer line with very little fade on the finish. The Adventurer is ready to trail any path on its way to the green.

Prizes: The winner of each division will receive a H13 flagship disc, the Wanderlust, as a prize.

Distance Driver - Wanderlust 12 | 5 | -1 | 2
Our first disc to be approved by the PDGA, the Wanderlust captures our entire journey into the disc golf world in just its name. This 12 speed driver flies like its already beat in. Some turn early in flight with some torque and healthy fade at the end of its flight. For those like me who have a slower arm speed, you may see a more overstable flight on your throws.

About H13 Disc Golf:

Hello! We are Jericho and Jennifer Jimentel. We, ok maybe me, had a dream of becoming a disc golf manufacturer with our own line of discs and apparel line to match. First, we wanted to learn the business side of disc golf and this Hole 13 Disc Golf Shop was born. After a year of business, we felt we knew what we wanted out of our own line and ready to take the plunge into manufacturing. Hmm, but what to call it? To understand this, you have to know a bit about us on a more personal level. Jennifer and I have struggled for years with fertility. Even trying things like Invitro in our attempts to start a family. Through these trials, we learned something important. There is more to life than the perceived reality of the rat race. We started living life with a higher intention. We set out to see the world, and take advantage of long weekends and vacation time to travel where we can. We even take our discs with us for the adventure. We wanted our brand to speak for our belief in living life to the highest and seeing the world. That’s when it all came together and H13 (High) Disc Golf was realized. With the 13 instead of igh to pay homage to our roots as a retailer shop, we were ready to bring living a H13er life into our next chapter as a manufacturer. We are ready to work every day within the community to reach the H13 bar we set with our mission statement.

About First Available Disc Golf:
On April 26, 2020 after six months of getting pestered by my buddy Justin Segura I finally went and played my first round of disc golf with him. I was immediately hooked. The pandemic had just hit, everything was shut down, and social distancing was the new norm. Disc golf was the outlet we desperately needed to get out of the house and keep ourselves sane.
As we moved into 2021 Justin and I recruited another member to our group, Andrew Gibbons. Despite trying our very best the three of us were not very good. Even so we LOVED to play. An issue we were running into was that we didn't have any other folks to play with. We wanted to meet more people and play a bit more competitively. We joined the PDGA and in March of 2021 we played our first tournament. As we played a few more tournaments and looked into the local mini-tournament scene we noticed a few things: Tournaments can get pricey, minis play for money, and even while playing in the amateur bracket the main focus was on payouts. Our main driver to play was love of the sport and competition, not playing for money. Instead of complaining about what we can’t control, Andrew suggested we start a league. In June 2021 First Available Novice League played its first league round at Pearsall Park with 12 players. This was the only PDGA sanctioned league in San Antonio at the time. In August 2021 First Available Disc Golf was created and hosted the first tournament that month.
Ever since my son was born in 2016 I’ve worked side hustles and/or created entrepreneurial ventures to provide supplemental income for my family. In 2020 when my second son was born that need increased. I started a lawn service company. When league started I didn’t have time to do both and spend with my family. This is why First Available Disc Golf was created and has since provided several opportunities: 1- I don’t have to mow lawns in order to make supplemental income. 2- I have the opportunity to do something I’m passionate about! 3- It provides something of value to players without breaking the bank. 4- It fosters the true spirit of amateur disc golf and most importantly, 5- I can give back to the community.
A question I get asked frequently is, “Do you do this all by yourself?”……No I don’t. A handful of dear friends see that the company has potential and could be something incredibly impactful to both the community and the sport. They have volunteered time, donated money and merchandise to support me. Tournaments and league wouldn’t have full rosters with out the love and support I’ve been shown from these special folks.

Refund policy

First Available Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Graytown Park
Elmendorf, TX   Get Directions


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