Grasshopper Fundraiser Doubles

Doubles tournament

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hosted by River Valley Disc Golf Association


  • Sat
    Sep 26

    8:00am - 8:45am

    Registration / Check-in


    Players meeting


    Tee off


TEAM Team Play $50 / team
MIX Mixed Teams $50 / team
GEN General $50 / team

About this tournament

This will be a trophy only type of event. The RVDGA is raising funds to cover the cost of the Grasshopper Mower they have to pay off by the end of 2015. The total cost of the mower is $4400.00.

1st Roudn will be played at Pleasant View DGC. The second round will be at the Fellowship of Christians Church course (1680 Sparksford Dr.) having 9 holes with 18 different tee boxes. Lunch will be served on the church grounds which will include burgers, brats and all the fixins.

$50 per team (3 Divisions. Pro/Adv, Int/Rec,and Mixed)

When Registering
Pro/Adv teams use the "General" Option
Int/Rec teams use the "Team" Option
Mixed use the "Mixed Option"

$25 dollars for 36 holes or $2 per Mulligan.
(Each team can use 1 per hole. They would choose player)

Refund policy

River Valley Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.