Grange Hall Gathering Doubles

Sunday, June 4, 2023 at Holly Woods in Holly, Michigan
Disc golf doubles tournament

Grange Hall Gathering Doubles graphic


Tournament DirectorBrent Guest
Asst TDRC Hunt

About this tournament

This will be 2 rounds of best shot doubles with shotgun start.
We will have a 45 minute lunch from last card
5$ will go to the club
5$ will go to overhead fees
the remaining $30 will go to payouts!
There will be CTPs and 50/50 CTP, all kinds of fun.

All payouts via paypal

Top tier: one or both players ratings are over 915
Lower tier: Both players ratings are under 915
Mixed: one female, one male player, any rating

Refund policy

Above Par Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

Low tier
1Dont Disc Around
494998 (+98)$195
2Mario Ramirez
Brent Guest
4951100 (+100)$140
3Jordan Sell
Mike Sims
4953102 (+102)$100
4Adam Santana
John Suran
5255107 (+107)$55
5Pecker Wood
5256108 (+108)$35
6Jack Romkema
Kurt Romkema
5656112 (+112)
6Snow Men
5359112 (+112)
8Aaron Franklin
Justin Robinson
5954113 (+113)
8Jim Booth
Josh Meske
5855113 (+113)
10Brad Olson
Mat Whitney
6054114 (+114)
10Lucas Pengelly
Nick Folwell
5856114 (+114)
5757114 (+114)
13Big Discs
5959118 (+118)
14Dean Hass
Sam Krueger
6261123 (+123)
15Jordan Winters
Ryan Anderson
6466130 (+130)
16David Cowan
Richard Nixon
9999198 (+198)
Amateur Mixed
1Kennedi Maurer
Todd Lewis
5757114 (+114)$120
2Christopher Kelley
Emma Reardon
5860118 (+118)$55
3Derrick Howard
Katie Teague
6462126 (+126)
4James Besaw
Rachel Lokajtys
6565130 (+130)
5Nate Jackson
Theresa Suran
6567132 (+132)
Top Tier
1Stone Cold Stunners
5652108 (+108)$100
2Shania Chains
5653109 (+109)$40
3Team Almost
5958117 (+117)
4Play Your Game
6360123 (+123)
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