
Golden Horseshoe Open

PDGA C-tier · Fri, Mar 14, 2025Mar 2025 · Spotsylvania, VA

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Austin stowers Any chance Derek, Ben A and I get carded up together? Mar 12
Nils Nelson John, could I switch my tee time preference to ‘as early as possible’ please? Mar 12
Brad Beeson I know it's a little late for this rrquest, but if Jack, Henry Miller, Lugo and I were on the same card, it would be cool. Mar 12
Ken Templin Can John Abruzzo and I be on the same card? We are carpooling. Thanks Mar 12
John Biscoe Mar 12 check- Jojn already had you covered.
Cody Scott Can you please put me with Jacob Singleton or if we can’t be on the same card, can we please be close due to carpool reasons?! Please and thank you! Mar 12
John Biscoe Mar 12 check
Brayden Race If possible, may I please have a tee time @10am or shortly after. Mar 11
Randy Newkirk II Can you put my dad and I on the same late card please. Mar 11
John Biscoe Mar 11 check
Brandon “Lemony Snickets” Tinsley fingers crossed Mar 11
Grayson Fortin Is MPO full or can I still sign up? Mar 10
John Biscoe Mar 10 looks like you figured that one out.
Grayson Fortin Mar 10 I just went for it before the whole tourney filled up haha
Ken Koch Why are people on the waitlist when the registration is nowhere near being full? Feb 26
Andrew T Zuern Feb 26 It's to reserve registration spots for other divisions. If they don't fill by the deadline the other divisions will will with the waitlisters
John Biscoe Feb 27 Andrew is correct.
Christian Reid Hello, I was wondering how the waitlist works? And also I meant to sign up for early tee time but it never gave me a choice. I might have missed that. Feb 26
John Biscoe Feb 27
Spots not filled by evening of March 9 will be opened up for those on waitlist. If you get in off th ... show more ›
Cory Cross Hey John when would MA1 tee times be around? Feb 16
John Biscoe Feb 17 Tee times are not divisional. you choose early, late, or flexible and I give you a tee time based on that- same as the Thrown thursdays were.
Cory Cross Feb 18 Ah gotcha, thanks John! Was asking for a friend (Ralph)
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