Taylor Palmer
Can we request swing both ways, sharp aim best game and reigning champs be on a card? Nov 16
Ameya Lisa Leitera
Do my discs have to be glow plastic or can I use discs that I light up with LED lights? Nov 16
Dylan Almquist Nov 16You can use either, as long as the discs glow in some way.
Tim (Timbo) Bowyer
Not sure how many teams per card but the Reigning champs , sharp aim best game, swing both ways, and thunderbirdies interested in grouping up Nov 16
Adam Sharp
-Doubles Format: Teams of two will compete using glow discs only, “including the discs in the player’s pack”, making this a true test of teamwork and skill.
Am I interpreting this correctly, and we can use any glow disk, including the one in the players pack, but not limit to? Nov 8