This tournament has been canceled.

Glow Ho Ho

Singles tournament

Friday, December 23, 2022

Hosted by Eric Frohriep


  • Fri
    Dec 23

    5:30pm - 5:50pm


    5:50pm - 5:55pm

    Players Meeting

    6:00pm - 8:00pm

    Play the course 2 times

    8:00pm - 8:15pm



GEN General $15
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $15
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $15
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $15
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $15
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $15
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $15

About this tournament

$15 entry fee to play the course twice with the glow lights. Need 3 in a division for payouts. I will use the pdga calculator to pay out half the field.

Optional $5 ace pool.

Please leave name, division, and any pdga number in the comments.