Ghoul's Night Out

Sunday, October 30, 2022 at Truax-Longmire VFW Post 8483 in Madison, Wisconsin
Disc golf singles tournament

Ghoul's Night Out graphic

About this tournament

Ghouls Night Out at Traux-Longmire VFW Post 8483
The first ever one!
Tournament Director: Lydia Grafwallner

MVP Space Race
$30 which includes a 2-disc player pack, which you will use for the challenge: 1. Axiom Glow Hex (midrange: 5|5|-1|1) 2. Streamline Glow Pilot (putter: 2|5|0|1)
Watermelon paradoxes are also for sale, seperate of the challenge discs. **Not allowed to use discs in tournament.

Players will have two throws per hole and gain points based off the throw.
From the drive:
- Ace: 10 points
- Chains: 5 points
- Metal: 3 points
From the 2nd shot:
- Putt in: 2 points
From the 3rd shot:
- Putt in: 1 point
Anything over 3 shots is not awarded any points.
Mulligans can be purchased for $2 and must be purchased before the round. Maximum of 5 total mulligans for the 18 holes. There will also be ONE Boo! Mulligan offered during the round for $3.

Player pack pick up, practice and potluck. (Optional): 4pm
- Pick up your player pack and try out your discs. (Please do not lose your discs! They are not replaceable!) Enjoy some food and drinks to get ready to play!
Player check-in: 6pm-645pm
On tees: 7:00pm
Tee-off: 7:02pm
Awards and Costume Contest!!!: when all cards complete. (around 9-930pm-ish)

Players will play on a card that starts on different holes.

Refund policy

VFW Post #8483 is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


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