GYROscope #1: The Fourth Campside Open

PDGA logoThursday, March 11, 2021 at Burke Lake Park (Campside) in Fairfax Station, Virginia
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament
Part of 2021 GYROscope

GYROscope #1: The Fourth Campside Open graphic

About this tournament

This one-round, tee-time PDGA C-Tier is an ideal Thursday warmup for the annual Spring Doubles event! Grab your bag and get a rated round in on Campside during one of only two weeks a year that it's open!

GYROscope events feature a different MVP or Axiom disc each time, allowing AMs to build a full bag of sweet GYRO plastic with dope Mike Inscho art! Attend all the events to collect all the molds.

PROs, this event pays 50% of the field, possibly with some added cash.

Refund policy

NOVA Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Final Results

PDGA results at
1Sam Shiley4747$165
2Brandon Hauer4949$115
3Logan Jackson5151$60
3Luke Morello5151$60
3Neil Bishop5151$60
6Konrad Pawlosky5252
7Danny Cherlow5555
8Austin Mansfield6161
8Kris Kozosky6161
10Nick Fletcher6262
1Scott Stokely4848$155
2Naved Hasnain5050$95
3John Biscoe5555$70
4Bob Cannon5656$45
5Justin James5858
5Wytee Martin5858
7Gerald Mudd5959
8Thomas Alderman6262
1Billy Bob Vigil5656$90
2Mark Sherwood6262
1Andy Endicott5555
2Evan Frady5656
2Tavis White5656
4Andy Hassan5757
5Jeff Wodatch5959
6Steven Wartinbee6060
1Brandon Kilby4848
2Thomas Corcoran5353
3John Smoot5454
4Chris Watkins5555
4Joey Harrison5555
6Rob Stark5757
7Daniel Hatfield5858
8Phil Theis6060
9Dave Hartzell6161
10Will Debesis6464
11Dave Persson6565
1Steve Tashjian6262
2Philip Brinkley6363
3J.W. Read6464
4Robert Michaud6565
5Philip Gleeson6666
1James Allen5050
2Chris Hunckler5151
3Chong Mounce5454
4Alexander Hinton5757
4Mark Metz5757
4Ryan Hutton5757
4Tyler Sturgill5757
8Andrew Reich5858
8Hawk Corrick5858
8Julian Carlucci5858
11Brandon Vorgang5959
11Michael Sevachko5959
11Nathaniel Mazur5959
11Nils Nelson5959
11Zach Peterson5959
16Chris Fraser6060
16Jesse Kellogg6060
16Sean Felix6060
19Jonathan Celio6161
19Scott Rodden6161
21Spencer Hale6262
22Filip J Thurston6464
23Blake Duvall6565
23Fred Wolf6565
1Mike Cleveland5757
1Nicolas Gonzalez5757
3William Landay5858
4Brandon Tinsley5959
4Dan Atwood5959
4Freddy Schmidtke5959
4Graeme S Henderson5959
4Jonathan Goldsmith5959
9Andrew Shands6060
9Anthony Rentsch6060
9Bob Stahl6060
9Graeme V Henderson6060
9Kevin Grimes6060
9Mike Nyman6060
15Austin Stowers6161
15Dick Myers6161
15Michael Whitcomb6161
18William Hunter6262
19Andrew Hicks6363
20Austin Gerber6464
21Blake Blando6565
21Carter Buschman6565
21Kenneth Durgin6565
21Marshall Cogburn6565
25Adam Neal6666
25Ben Dantowitz6666
25Hayden Mosher6666
28Austin Lopestad6767
28Edward Cerne6767
30Jeffrey Ono6868
31Josh Torkelson6969
32Matthew Bolden7474
32Michael Neill7474
34Michael Tyus7979
1Ezra Dantowitz5959
2Tim Henkel6161
3Reed Wilson6363
3Vince White6363
5Joshua Winn6464
6Alan Balentine6565
6Andrew Lin6565
6Emmanual Morales6565
6J.P. Harasek6565
6Justin Crawford6565
11Nikolas Huist6767
12Bobby Akowskey6969
13Ian McCabe7373
14Bruce Fraser7474
14Terry Young7474
16Brandon Hare9595
1Megan Stull7070
1Dee White8080
1Elizabeth Robinson101101
1Crystal Wallace6161
1Amy Shaw7272
2Gabi Sigafoo7575
3Erin McDonald8484
1Carter Pearson7878
1Layla Gager9191
2MJ Gager9292
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