GMFDC Urban Beers & Birdies

Saturday, October 14, 2023 at GMFDC Urban DGC in Middletown, Ohio
Disc golf singles tournament

GMFDC Urban Beers & Birdies graphic


EntertainmentChris Bowers
Tournament DirectorCharles Ruh
Public Relations CoordinatorDerek Ramsey
Master of all things Disc GolfJeremy P

About this tournament

This event is not at Wilson Park. This event is not PDGA rated. If you have any questions about what division would suit you best, let us know.

We would highly recommend you get in on the ace fund. $5 additional per round, but you’ll have plenty of opportunities to hit an ace! Check the course layout on udisc. (Rough estimates)

We will be meeting at Governors Square next to @thesquare Downtown Middletown, Ohio.

This is a fundraising event, $5 goes to the club, $20 goes to payout. Pros will be paid in cash, amateur will be paid in Hazy Shade Gift Cards. Each ace you hit will count towards one portion of the ace fund.

Junior and novice divisions $10 to payout at hazy, $5 to fundraising.

GMFDC Urban Disc Golf Course - Middletown, OH
(Course Will be updated with shorter layout)

If no Ace is hit the ace fund will be donated to GMFDC.

You may play an additional round for $10 to try and better your score towards payouts. Ace fund is not included on additional rounds. You CAN buy in on the ace fund again for an additional $15.

You may also come pay to play the course in between groups for $10 casually.

First tee off at 10 am. Final tee off at 4 pm. You choose an available tee time!

Refund policy

Greater Miami Flying Disc Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.



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