GIGOGR @ Legacy - Day 2

PDGA C-tier

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hosted by Bramble Bashers


  • Sat
    Apr 22


    Player email and teepad assignments will be emailed to you using the email you registered with

  • Sun
    Apr 23


    Round 1 start. Be at your assigned teepad with a couple minutes to spare please!


    Round 2 start (estimated). The break between rounds will be 30-40 minutes to give us time to reassign teepads.


MPO Mixed Pro Open C$15
FPO Women's Pro Open C$15
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ C$15
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ C$15
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ C$15
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ C$15
MP60 Mixed Pro 60+ C$15
FP60 Women's Pro 60+ C$15
MP70 Mixed Pro 70+ C$15
FP70 Women's Pro 70+ C$15
MA1 Mixed Am 1 C$15
FA1 Women's Am 1 C$15
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ C$15
FA40 Women's Am 40+ C$15
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ C$15
FA50 Women's Am 50+ C$15
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ C$15
FA60 Women's Am 60+ C$15
MA70 Mixed Am 70+ C$15
FA70 Women's Am 70+ C$15
MA2 Mixed Am 2 C$15
FA2 Women's Am 2 C$15
MA3 Mixed Am 3 C$15
FA3 Women's Am 3 C$15
MA4 Mixed Am 4 C$15
FA4 Women's Am 4 C$15
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 C$15
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 C$15
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 C$15
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 C$15

About this tournament

Oh, come on now, you know what this is about. Get your rated rounds here!

Of your registration fee, $10 will be a greens fee and $2 goes to the PDGA per-player fee. If you're a pro, $3 goes to your shiny payout, and if you're an am, $3 goes to your Clif Bar player pack. If you would prefer not to collect your player pack, we'll happily use that $3 to keep providing cheap and chill tournaments.

Refund policy

Withdrawals after registration closes (April 21st @ 5:00pm) will not receive a refund