Frozen Flyerz

Saturday, February 22, 2020 at Holly Woods in Holly, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

Frozen Flyerz graphic

About this tournament

This is a fundraiser event for the

This is not at the permanent course at Holly. It is a temp course set up at the boat launch. This will be 2 rounds of 12 holes.

We are using cashless pre-reg. Just add your name, division, and pdga# (if you have one) in the talk section.

Mulligans for AM players. 3 for $5 or 8 for $10.

Mulligans will not be offered in the open division.

If the snow is deep, ribbons taped to your disc are strongly encouraged. Make them 3 to 4 feet long and do it at home with tape and disc that is at room temperature.

Plastic payouts for all am divisions. There will be lots of CTPs. Open will have $5 of their entry fee go towards open payouts plus plastic.

*Just a reminder, we are not collecting canned goods or water. We are donating all of the money raised at this tournament to



Final Results

Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Nik Lehr7171
2Matt Murdock7373
3Billy Montpas7474
6David Thomas7676
7Jason Sullivan7777
9Jamon Link8686
10Kris Paul8989
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Andrew Jackson7070
2bryan milewski7777
3James Kim7878
4Jacob Maddox8585
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Dave Lonteen6868
2Mike Neldrett7575
3Dan Jacques7676
4James Gaves7777
5Brad McMillin7878
5Paul Grasso7878
7Kool Kev8282
8Mark Stephens8686
9Tim Curtis9393
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Paul Holstein7878
2Don Warfield7979
3Steve Nolff8383
3Tim petrowski8383
5Brian Shock9999
6Pops Fifield9999
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Josh Russell8383
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Brandon wells6969
3Duncan underwood7676
3Jared Smith7676
5James Reid7777
6Bret Adams7979
7Jason Martin8080
8Keith Hanes8181
8Shawn Herbert8181
10Keith Hanes8181
11Anthony Cassanova8585
11Jeff Dunn8585
11Steve Renaud8585
14Jordon robertson8686
15James Dunn8787
16Nathan Underwood8888
17Mychal Urssing8989
18Justin erway9292
19Nathan Elkins9595
20Daniel urssing9696
21Scott Ward9696
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Jerrid Hunt7474
2Jerald Schriber7878
3Johnny Spencer7979
4James Preston8080
5Brian Murdock8181
5Frederick kilgour8181
7Big Jonah8282
7Matt Homan8282
9Travis Garner8383
10Kevin Benjamin8484
12Matthew McCreedy8585
12Troy White8585
14Shane degriselles8686
14Tim VanSteenburg8686
16Michael Bailey8787
17Derrick Whitaker8989
18Vince Applegate9191
19Michael McElhoes9393
20Dan Frost9393
21Wes Fifield9797
22Josh Childers-0
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1David Curtis8080
2Greg Mace8282
3Nicholas Richardson8585
4Justin Bender8686
5Travis gentry8787
6Jeffrey Cole8888
7Alec Kyle8989
8Brandon Carpenter9191
9Stanton Hoig9696
10Ian Burnell9797
11Ray Lammens9898
12Kyle Campbell105105
13Kyle Galpin111111
14Scott Price112112
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Debbie Fischer102102
2Danielle Valdez107107
Round 1: Holly Woods - 24 Longs, 24 holes, par 76
1Gavin Leake8989
2Sol Hoerig122122
Round 1: Holly Woods - Temp course at Heron Beach 26 hole layout, 26 holes, par 78
1Max Dunn123123
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