Frozen Fingers Fairway Charity Tour 2015 - Stop #3
Comments 37 following
About this tournament
Ben Bramwell February 13, 2015 at 7:44am
Series standings are updated.
TDs that enter scores any idea what it is that you guys are doing that make ties not show up properly? Makes me have to triple check this stuff when they don't show up. The last tournament only had one tie not show up but this one no ties showed up.
Greg Garrett February 12, 2015 at 6:59am
Scores are posted. Sorry for the delay. If anyone notices any mistakes on my part, please let me know.
Jason Parsons February 11, 2015 at 7:13am
Current standings for the series would be cool to. :)
Jason Parsons February 11, 2015 at 7:10am
Where are the scores for AM2?
Im sorry jason. Ive been working 12 hours a day so its been a lil rough for me. The rest of the scores should be posted tomorrow..
Anthony Keller February 10, 2015 at 7:55am
Had good time however someone walk off with my favorite disc after the awards were given out,it was a baby blue x-cal with my name an #on it,if it was taken by mistake i would really like it back,if not then karma will be payback to whoever took it,thanks
Bill Vaughn February 8, 2015 at 9:51pm
I don't remember all of yesterday, but I remember losing yellow 167g star wraith on 12, driving backwards 25 feet on 4, and how bad blueberries soaking in moonshine actually taste. And I learned there CAN be too mush snow for a sled, and squirrel tastes like chicken.
Thanks to Greg G and Bill F and Beaver and whoever else locally I don't know for all the work that went in to the event and clearing the tees. Joel, you know you da man.
eric wernet February 8, 2015 at 4:27am
Another event rocked out!!! Thanks for lunch, clean tee pads and the warm weather!!!! See you all in a couple of weeks.
Bill Vaughn February 7, 2015 at 3:40pm
James Humphrey February 7, 2015 at 11:43am
No feeling all that well. Won't be there. Good luck to all!
Lee Spencer February 7, 2015 at 6:06am
Lee Spencer, #68075, INT
eric centanni February 7, 2015 at 5:22am
Do we know what's on the menu?
just saw gregs thread below... sounds good, thanks to all you peeps who are working to bring us pot luck lunch.
Jon DeCapua February 7, 2015 at 2:22am
Greg - Anything else you can think of that I can bring? I'll have a car full there around 8AM to help set up.
I got some salt. I really cant think of anything. Ill let you know if i do. Thank you for asking. Bring your game and lets have some fun!
Dan Kilgore February 6, 2015 at 10:06pm
Dan Kilgore # 4697 Advanced
Doing well, Darren. May the course be with you as well -------------------- - + (perhaps we could share the fairways in the future. Can I road trip to Michigan :) )
Rob Panelley February 6, 2015 at 4:16pm
Rob Panelley 57246 Advanced
Joshua Lammerding February 6, 2015 at 9:53am
I wrote this down as next weekend and will be working this weekend. Sucks, I wanted to be there for this one. Have fun everyone, I gotta drop. :/
T.Bart Bata February 6, 2015 at 5:07am
Steven Cain February 6, 2015 at 1:24am
I don't know if this is the case for anyone else, but when I click on the driving directions for this place it is no where near where the course is. This is the address that I've found for the course: 521 Educational Hwy NW, Warren, OH 44483. I just wanted to post it just in case this is happening to anyone else as well.
That's weird, it does the same for me, too. The coordinates are right in the course info.
Its a pretty straight forward trip. I've been going there for so long, I'm not sure how I got there the first time! Your addy looks right. Message me if you need directions.
Bill Vaughn February 5, 2015 at 3:48am
Eric, Jon, and whoever else just as deserving of credit on this topic... great job picking the days/ weekends for these events! Weather is looking IDEAL for this event! Sunday and last weekend, not so much... Keep it goin!
i did it! i pulled on my crystal balls and pearls of knowledge spewed out... only part of which was an accurate 16 week weather forcast. enjoy!
Greg Garrett February 4, 2015 at 10:40pm
There will be a special ctp courtesy of Bill Flynn!
Greg Garrett February 4, 2015 at 10:33pm
WE HAVE A GENERATOR! Bill Vaughn, you mentioned something about a propane heater? That would def be nice to have Because I don't believe we have any other heat coming from in the pavilion. There will also be a fire outside the pavilion..
We are running low on salt. I will try to get more tomorrow. Seems that walmart is sold out. Keeping these tees clean is quite a job right now and il prob be there tomorrow and friday cleaning it.. We are getting a cpl more inches tonight.
We are good on shovels.. Ill find out on firewood. I know they recently cut some at the Park.
Take it easy Ben.. Frst time TD. My apologies. Everyone in the top 4 of each division besides women settled their ties for placement and payouts. I dont know if that makes a difference in points or not..
For the series we are counting ties as ties whether a play off happens or not. I've never done the score entering on here before so I'm really just wondering how it goes and if you have to specify a tie or what. Not the end of the world just curious so I can mention to TDs at the tournaments if there's something they need to do to make the ties show up as ties.
It asks for round 1 and round 2 scores. No overall score. I put them in as first second third ect instead of the same place. That is probably why it was messed up.. Thanks for mentioning it so I know next time
This is what happens when the engineers have to speak directly to the customers! Let's settle this at the "jump to conclusions" mat...