Frozen Farm Doubles 2021
Doubles tournament · Sun, Jan 31, 2021Jan 2021 · North Berwick, ME

Jan 318:00am - 8:45am
Start of round 1
Last card in for round 1
11:45am - 12:15pm
Lunch break. No food on site, please bring your own lunch.
Start of round 2
Raffle drawings, CTP awards, Winners announced
MIX | Mixed | $30 / team |
MPO | Mixed Pro Open | $50 / team |
MA1 | Mixed Am 1 | $30 / team |
About this tournament
2 rounds of play
Welcome to the first ever tournament at Hammond Farm! We decided to make it a BYOP doubles tournament. It is a two round tournament with a lunch break in between rounds. There is no food on site, so please bring your own lunch or make other arrangements. Your entry fee includes greens fees, which for this tournament only, is a special price. There will be several CTPs that are included with your entry. Those will be division specific to keep things even throughout the players field. There will be a raffle put on by the owners of Hammond Farm with several prizes. OBs will be in play, weather permitting. It should be a fun day!
Food Drive Raffle! Everyone that brings 3 food items that can be donated to the local food pantry will be entered into a raffle for some a sweet disc golf bundle of goodies. Tell EVERYONE to bring food, there are so many people that need help these days.
Food Drive Raffle! Everyone that brings 3 food items that can be donated to the local food pantry will be entered into a raffle for some a sweet disc golf bundle of goodies. Tell EVERYONE to bring food, there are so many people that need help these days.
Refund policy
Josick, Inc. is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.