Frozen Chains

PDGA logoSaturday, February 11, 2017 at StoneBridge Golf Course in Lakeland, Tennessee
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

Schedule for Saturday 2/11/2016
Registration 7:00-8:30
Player’s Meeting 8:31-8:50
1st Round 9:00-Until
(The Golf Course will have a refreshment cart driving providing drinks at a cost.)
(Lunch and Refreshments will be available at the Club House at a cost. Lunch should be ordered before the player’s meeting to ensure your food is ready.)
2nd Round to Start approx. 1 hour after last card is turned in.
(The Golf Course will have a refreshment cart driving providing drinks at a cost.)
Awards Ceremony to Follow
(The Golf Course Kitchen and Refreshments will be made available to us at a cost as well.)

Refund policy

Memphis Area Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.



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