Free Flying

PDGA C-tier · Amateur

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hosted by MOB Disc Golf


  • Sun
    Aug 23

    8:30am - 9:30am

    registration / check in

    9:50am - 12:40pm


    12:40pm - 1:30pm


    1:30pm - 4:20pm


    4:30pm - 5:00pm



MA1 Mixed Am 1 $20
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $20
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $20
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $20
FA4 Women's Am 4 $20

About this tournament

This PDGA C-tier tourney was FREE for all players that were registered for Southern Michigan Open back in March and were unable to play because covid-19 caused the event to be canceled, however to take advantage of the FREE registration you must register by 8-3-20.. If you were one of those players ( check out the invitation list) and received a player pack in lieu of a cash refund because all tourney merchandise was already purchased & player packs already prepared then this tourney is FREE for you to play. The event will have no player packs (you all already received them back in March) and $16 per player will be paid out in fully sponsored prizes. (100 players = $1600 in fully sponsored prizes paid out). This TD will handle all Rolling Hills event fees, PDGA player fees, PDGA sanction fees and payouts based on $16 per player to be paid out to the top 1/3 of each division. Please register here under registration tab for if you were in the Southern Michigan Open you will be on the invite list and will be able to register for FREE
2 rounds of 22 holes // MA1 = 2 rounds of Longs // MA2 = 1 round of longs & 1 round of shorts // all other divisions = 2 rounds of shorts // REMEMBER THIS EVENT IS FREE FOR ALL PLAYERS WHO PAID AND COULD NOT PLAY IN SOUTHERN MICHIGAN OPEN BACK ON MARCH 28th & 29th DUE TO THE EVENT BEING CANCELED BUT YOU MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO AUGUST 3RD

Refund policy

MOB Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.// MOB's refund policy for this event is as follows: starting at 5 pm on 8/19/20 all player cards and score cards will be completed and any request for refunds will be handled less a $5 handling fee for cards will have to be redone and boards reorganized. After 5 pm Friday 8/21/20 refunds will be handled at at 50% ($10 fee) these guidelines are to ensure early cancelation and or attendance so player cards, scorecards and score boards do not need to be redone which take a lot of extra time. These refund guidelines are much more liberal and player friendly then the PDGA guidelines which are the following: // Players who officially request to withdraw from an event within 14 days of the start of the event and prior to the event’s published closure of registration and waitlist replacements (within one week is recommended) will receive a 100% cash refund minus up to a $10 handling fee ONLY if their spot in the tournament is filled through either the waitlist or a walk-up entry (if offered). If the player’s spot is NOT filled, the TD has the choice to provide EITHER a 25% cash refund OR just the player’s pack they would have received if they had attended (minus the cost of shipping). In the case of a player in a Pro division for an event without a Pro player pack worth at least 25% of the Entry Fee, the TD will provide the 25% cash refund.