Forest City Open 2023 Pro Day

PDGA logoSunday, October 8, 2023 at River's Edge at St. Julien's Park in London, Ontario
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Forest City Open 2023 Pro Day graphic


Assistant TDJen brown
Tournament DirectorDavid stewart

About this tournament

As of Oct 2nd I have put in the final orders for trophies and lunches. At this time any division that does not have 3 people in it will not be receiving a trophy. Any new competitors that join from this point on may not be guaranteed their choice for lunch selected.

Welcome to Forest city open 2023. This is our 1 day Am event. 2 rounds of 18 hole golf. Modest players pack for all AM's Provided in part by Throw Disc Golf. Cash for all Pro divisions. Lunch supplied thanks to Lynns bakery.This is a trophy only event for Am's.. Most divisions available, but must have at least 3 competitors to have a trophy. Shotgun start with tee off around 10am.MPO and AM1 to play from long tees. FPO and FA1 from short tees. Registration caps to be lifted after a week of registration opening. So if your desired division is full, I recommend getting on the wait list. Players are not to register for both AM FCO 2023 and Pro FCO.2023 Players will be forced to choose. If either event is not full a week before the event this rule may be removed. But we want everyone to get a chance to have fun and play sanctioned disc golf at the rivers edge. Full refunds available until a week before the event. Any refund request within the week of the event will not be fully refunded. players pack will be available for pick up the day of the event only.

Refund policy

London Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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