Alan Krauth
I lost a bright yellow gstar Mamba at Area 74 today. Not sure if my name is in it or not. Might just be my pdga # 81747. If someone picked it up I would love to meet up before the round tomorrow at the curtain. I offer thankfulness and a nug of ????! Thanks. Aug 6, 2023
Tyee Rilatos
Just go into town, would love to catch a round with someone or if anybody knows of any local leagues going on today or tomorrow? Aug 3, 2023
Terrance Reid Aug 3, 2023What's up Tyee. I'm new to town as well, but have played all the courses now. If you're free today, I'm down to play a round.
Tyee Rilatos Aug 3, 2023Very down! You got Instagram? My handle is Tyeerilatosdiscgolf, please feel free to hit me up!
Zachary Daugherty
I'm coming from out of town on Friday night. Can I check in on Saturday morning or do I need to check in Friday night? Aug 2, 2023
Benjamin Rice Aug 2, 2023There are check ins before rounds start Sat morning
Benjamin Rice Aug 2, 2023You can see the schedule on the main event page.
Terrance Reid
Just moved to the area, Tyson at Pump Station you still had spots open. Would love to join MA2 if any spots are available or come open. Thanks! Aug 1, 2023
Alan Krauth
Hi Jeremy, I'm coming up to play your tournament from sacramento and sent you a few questions on messenger. Any chance you have messenger? Jul 29, 2023
Rob Runnings
Pool assignments? This is a week away and getting really hard to plan for those of us carpooling. Jul 27, 2023
Jason Cabral Jul 27, 2023And will we be able to check in on Saturday morning?
Jeremy Bursich Jul 30, 2023Yes you can check in on Saturday morning
Phil nichols
Schedule? Like what course first? Is it one round each day or two on Saturday an one on Sunday? Not much info on this can we get some? Jul 25, 2023
Jeremy Bursich Jul 27, 2023Yessir. Just posted it. Basically the same schedule as last year. Thanks for your patience
Nick Price
Is it safe to assume that this is a 1 round per day event with tee times? Jun 22, 2023
George Wright Jun 22, 2023I believe it’s three round two at the curtain one at area 74.