Flip City Open
PDGA B-tier · Sat, Apr 10, 2010Apr 2010 · Shelby, MI
We had a fantastic tournament on Saturday and Sunday! Thank you to all the players who made it out to play on a beautiful weekend! Saturday's first round was a challenge with wind to contend with, t ...
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Apr 12, 2010
Andy White
Matt Mayville
Mike Manning
Shawn Senecal
Jake Ward
Ken Doom
Gay Gravit (forgot him on the first wait list posted)
Matt Lobb
Josh Johnston
Jennifer Sawyer
Jason Saari
Grenade Lane
Apr 10, 2010
configered bc I feel that I should be further up Im just a little confused Apr 9, 2010
so I can get my name on it first
Apr 9, 2010
when I went to go pay on wensday? Apr 9, 2010
Hey, I was registered on disc golf scene but did not catch the note for the cash pre reg. Not a big deal, I just looked on your site and there was one open spot as of 7:30 today, but wont let me regis ...
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Apr 9, 2010
Apr 9, 2010
to pay pre reg So it would be unfair to them also so why not
add me as a 98th player since you added a 97th to 96 person field
Since you are taking about being fair it would only be fair
to make an exception for me also Apr 8, 2010
I'm not worried, I already showed you guys the money. I was curious, as to whether or not, Jake could take the spot of one of the cashless pre reg players if he paid for the event on your website. I t ...
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Apr 8, 2010
fair that you make and exception for
one player and not another Apr 8, 2010
To actually guarantee your spot, please go to http://northernwatersseries.org/intro_01.asp and register there. Apr 8, 2010
use their credit card and it was full Apr 8, 2010
The exception wasn't letting one new person in who hadn't paid yet. This was a player who had paid for Am3 a couple of weeks ago, but we accidentally put him down as Am1 for Sunday. It was a clerica ...
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Apr 8, 2010
The following players have signed-up up on DGS, but have not secured their spot by pre-registering on the NWS site. PLEASE secure your spot! We have 34 paid spots remaining, and there are 28 players ...
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Apr 6, 2010