
Flip City Open

PDGA B-tier · Sat, Apr 10, 2010Apr 2010 · Shelby, MI

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Jennifer Kuehle
We had a fantastic tournament on Saturday and Sunday! Thank you to all the players who made it out to play on a beautiful weekend! Saturday's first round was a challenge with wind to contend with, t ... show more ›
Apr 12, 2010
david fuller Twp people bailed on Saturday, so that left us with 95. Because of the complaints about 97, we could only add 1 to make 96. That's why we signed up 97, because we knew there would be at least 1 drop-out. Still plenty of Am1 spots Wednesday... Apr 10, 2010
Zachary Vaughn Waiting List 4/9/10 4:56:
Andy White
Matt Mayville
Mike Manning
Shawn Senecal
Jake Ward
Ken Doom
Gay Gravit (forgot him on the first wait list posted)
Matt Lobb
Josh Johnston
Jennifer Sawyer
Jason Saari
Grenade Lane
Apr 10, 2010
Zachary Vaughn Thanks I appreciate it. We didn't have an exact order from the people we pulled off of cashless reg. so it was random but the DGS folks are at the top of the list. First come after that. Apr 10, 2010
Kat Witucki thanks zach, you put in a lot of time for this tournament. You have done a good job, and I know it gets hard, but I want you to know that we are happy to have people like you to help! Apr 9, 2010
Shaky jake I would like to know hownthe waiting list was
configered bc I feel that I should be further up Im just a little confused
Apr 9, 2010
Matt Mayville I am 2nd on the list. I will be up there hoping there is a spot for me. Thanks for posting that up there! Apr 9, 2010
Shaky jake I pretty sure mike manning and Shawn senecal are not going but I haven't talked to them in a couple days Apr 9, 2010
Shaky jake You never answered when the waiting list Is gonna be posted im trying to throw this turny Apr 9, 2010
Zachary Vaughn You will be reimbursed Cash Kat. It is a good deal. Apr 9, 2010
Shaky jake What time is the waiting list gonna be posted
so I can get my name on it first
Apr 9, 2010
Shaky jake Well sign me up for the waitinglist but why wasn't there a spot left
when I went to go pay on wensday?
Apr 9, 2010
Kat Witucki I paid full price for my pre-reg fee online, but Jenn told me last year that I get half off the nws's this year because women get half off their first year. I was wondering how you are going to reimburse me. Thanks :) Apr 9, 2010
Zachary Vaughn Hello. Yes, there is currently one spot open, however, it can not be doled out since Reg. has closed. A waiting list will be posted tomorrow with the first 9 spots being the folks pulled from the DGS registration. The waiting list will be honored Saturday morning. More details to come. Apr 9, 2010
Matt Mayville also I can pay by card if there is a spot open. Apr 9, 2010
Matt Mayville
Hey, I was registered on disc golf scene but did not catch the note for the cash pre reg. Not a big deal, I just looked on your site and there was one open spot as of 7:30 today, but wont let me regis ... show more ›
Apr 9, 2010
Julie Jett New Breast Cancer Fundraiser discs are here!!! NEW for the FLIP CITY OPEN - Pink Wraiths ($15)!!! Pink Katanas ($15), Aviars ($12), Champion Glo Destroyers ($20), & only 2 KC Rocs left ($15). Buy a disc, save a life :) See you at FLIP CITY!!!
Apr 9, 2010
Shaky jake I will be there Saturday still so I would like to be first on the waiting list please Apr 8, 2010
Shaky jake Also not everyone that wants the play turny has a credit card
to pay pre reg So it would be unfair to them also so why not
add me as a 98th player since you added a 97th to 96 person field
Since you are taking about being fair it would only be fair
to make an exception for me also
Apr 8, 2010
Mike Siuda
I'm not worried, I already showed you guys the money. I was curious, as to whether or not, Jake could take the spot of one of the cashless pre reg players if he paid for the event on your website. I t ... show more ›
Apr 8, 2010
Shaky jake Yeah they fucked up they now have a 97th on a 96 player capped turny and this player was added after I was turned away they fcuked me over it's not
fair that you make and exception for
one player and not another
Apr 8, 2010
Zachary Vaughn We will be talking to Bill McKenzie about the 97th player. There is a possibility that the 97th will fill in for a no-show. To specify, the webmaster registered the 97th player for AM1 when in reality, he registered for Am3. Apr 8, 2010
Zachary Vaughn Not everyone wanting to play the tournament is on this site, so it would be unfair to leave registration exclusive to here. Apr 8, 2010
Zachary Vaughn It was posted by Marc Hamlin. Apr 8, 2010
Zachary Vaughn Just a reminder:

To actually guarantee your spot, please go to and register there.
Apr 8, 2010
Jake Wood I concur. Dont bag on NWS because you couldnt get your affairs in order sooner Apr 8, 2010
Shaky jake I did I had no way to pay then I found someone I work with to let me
use their credit card and it was full
Apr 8, 2010
Jake Wood Next time have YOUR sh!t together and pay earlier. Its not like they didnt let you know Apr 8, 2010
Corey Kieft Is Bill Mckenzie cool with going over the cap? I know in years past he had to give the ok to go over the cap since it is his backyard. I don't think thats fair to allow 1 group of 5 and not 23 more groups of 5. Isn't there like 40 people in AM3? Why not let more AM2's in to level the field? Apr 8, 2010
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's
The exception wasn't letting one new person in who hadn't paid yet. This was a player who had paid for Am3 a couple of weeks ago, but we accidentally put him down as Am1 for Sunday. It was a clerica ... show more ›
Apr 8, 2010
Zachary Vaughn To Answer your question Michael (Suida), we had posted a while back on page 1 that this was being used for tracking interest and preparing for the event. To actually reserve your spot, you had to show us the $$. I will copy and paste the post after I post this one. Apr 8, 2010
Shaky jake How is there 97 that's bs how do they get an exception and I don't Apr 8, 2010
Corey Kieft Why does it say that there are 97 players reged but only 96 spots? If your gonna make an exception for one person make an exception for people that were reged on DGS that didn't get a spot. Apr 8, 2010
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's There is still room in Am1 or Am Masters on Sunday for anyone still looking to play Flip City this weekend. Apr 8, 2010
Zachary Vaughn Sorry, Registration is closed for Saturday. We are full. Apr 8, 2010
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's If you've paid, you're good. It might take a little while to update the NWS site, which would be the reason for you still being on the list below. See you at Flip! Apr 7, 2010
Corey Kieft I paid on NWS website earlier today. Corey Kieft #38964 AM2 Apr 6, 2010
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's
The following players have signed-up up on DGS, but have not secured their spot by pre-registering on the NWS site. PLEASE secure your spot! We have 34 paid spots remaining, and there are 28 players ... show more ›
Apr 6, 2010
Zac Cauchy You don't need a Paypal account, just a credit/debit card to register using Paypal. Apr 6, 2010
Guy Gill Guy Gill #31099 Adv. Grandmasters. Can't prereg on NWS without PayPal I quess? Apr 6, 2010
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