Matt Barnes
Well I signed up and paid for today's tournament but my cars radiator blew up on me and couldn't make it. Just wondering if I can get a refund for paying Oct 24, 2015
Paul Grasso Oct 23, 2015let me know if you want to move up, I am doing the player cards tonight so it makes my life a little easier if I have your correct division tonight so I don't have to mess with it in the morning
Devery G Oct 23, 2015This is only my second year playing but looking at the pdga guidelines and my 60 average at golden rod I just wanted to be in a group similar to my skill set. Any suggestions?
Paul Grasso Oct 23, 2015If you average 60 at Grod I would say stay in novice
Devery G Oct 23, 2015Okay, thanks for the advice, see you tomorrow!
Paul Grasso Oct 19, 2015We cover this in the players meeting but if you don't want to use the tee pads you will have to throw from directly behind the pad
There should be an established teepad area marked before the tournament. The pads are moved by inexp ...
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There should be an established teepad area marked before the tournament. The pads are moved by inexperienced casuals everyday every time I put them back to the areas I remember them marked before (I guess people think it's too hard of a course and that moving the teepad a few feet in certain directions is going to greatly influence their shots on the hole in a positive way)
Paul Grasso Oct 20, 2015we will check them at the start of the round on saturday
Gary "Jones" Chalice Oct 23, 2015they will be marked with paint where they should remain all day. if you see that they have been moved when you get to a pad just move it back within the markings. this worked good last year.
Mark Stephens Oct 23, 2015I would plan on using flags Jones. Looks like lots of rain in the morning.