Flexing at Memorial by Kuhl Discs

PDGA logoSaturday, April 23, 2022 at Wilsonville Memorial Park in Wilsonville, Oregon
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Flexing at Memorial by Kuhl Discs graphic

About this tournament

This is played at Memorial Park which is a short 9 hole course. You are playing 3 times around (27 holes.)

Flex start, please choose your tee time during Regerestraion. Please keep in mind a minimal of three per card is required.

PDGA live scoring will be used and players meeting sent out via email.

Pros are playing for PayPal 100% payout (minus fees) Any player accepting cash in a Pro division at a PDGA-sanctioned event.
Amateurs are playing for Kuhl Discs online scrip (minus fees)

OB pavements and dog park. PDGA rules do apply as this is a sanctioned tournament.

Entry fee breakdown:
$25 - Payout
$ 2 - PDGA fee
$ 3 - Sanction/Insurance/Permit Fee

Refund policy

No Refunds after 4/21 @8:00 pm
Kuhl Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/58109


Casey DeanHole 7 on Main course, Regular tees
1Aaron Donaldson6161
2David Konoplev6363
3Ian Clark-Williams6464
4Ben cole6565
4Jared Phillips6565
6Carlos Barajas7575
1Erin Reichel6969
1Joe Coulter6060
2Danny Welch6262
3Casey Dean6666
4Michael Babcock6767
5Jimmy Moore6868
6Eric Timmerman6969
6Myron Clements6969
8Jordan Julian7171
9Emiliano Haynes - C7272
10Austin Holden7373
11Brody Day7474
12Collyn Cavarzan7575
12Jacob Paredes7575
1Michael Gilliam6464
2Evan Crabtree6565
3Alex Poe6767
3Antonio Sunseri6767
5Bradley Beck6868
6Eric McDonald6969
7Galen Knoke7171
7Joshua Ramsey7171
9Joseph Smith7373
10Shibley Burnett7575
11Johnathan "Mr. J" Sutherland7878
12Craig Day7979
12P.J. McManus7979
14Jamie Flanagan8282
1Gary Erwin7070
2Jason Gastelum7373
3Chris Grigg7676
3Lawrence Van Stiphout7676
5Heath Strode8080
5Marty Dean8080
7William Beaver8484
1Jordan Wirth6060
2Greg Peterson6161
3Nicholas Ackerman6464
4Ryne Evans6565
5Bradley Summers6666
6Oliver Jim6868
7Brian Kyaw7070
8Jesse Maxwell7171
8Skyler Park7171
10Connor Fikes7272
11Brian Prokop7373
11Frank Hunnicutt7373
11Trevor Chart7373
14Ian Stanley7474
14Jeff Harper7474
14Zac Teuscher7474
18Daniel Keenan7575
18Michael Love7575
18Michael Seifert7575
21Andrew Pettit7777
1Dale Hayase6666
2Ethan Schwanz6868
2Josh Coleman6868
4Nick Mannen7070
4Toby Hoffpauir7070
6Alexander Erhan7272
7Casey Martin7474
8Josh Michalec7575
8Michael Pham7575
10Dominic Wargo7676
10Keenan Johnson7676
10Matthew Smith7676
13Mitchell McBride7777
14Kit Clement7878
15Mike Mills7979
16Kellen Reid8080
17Bobby Huber8181
18Edward Gonzales8282
18Paul Rasmussen8282
20James Lopez8383
20Michael Weeks8383
20Ryan Lee8383
23Jaime Gonzalez8585
23Shawn Haggard8585
25Derrick Domann-Scholz8686
26Lance Joslin8888
26Tyler Paris8888
28Joshua Gess8989
29Steven Hall9191
1Angie DeLaRosa7676
2Summer Villers7878
3Maggie Cedillo8383
4Bailey Van Stiphout8484
1Carol Dean9393
1Lisa M Prichard7373
2Amanda Beaver7777
3Kylee Litz8080
4Jenny Thurin8282
4Julie Johnson8282
1Amanda Lunger8080
2Tori Lopez8484
3Ashley Aman8686
4Heather Bell8787
5Lauren Martin9191
6Alexa Atwell9595
7Korin Price-0
1Blake Steyskal8686
1Fenton Flanagan8282
1Leland Fully8282
3Aidan Schmeer100100
3Milo Burnett100100
5Connor Teuscher102102
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