Flex-start Friend-zy @ 2MRX Driven by Innova

PDGA logoSunday, July 5, 2020 at Two Mile Run Extension in Beaver, Pennsylvania
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Flex-start Friend-zy @ 2MRX Driven by Innova graphic


Tournament DirectorJ. Gary Dropcho
Assistant Tournament DirectorRegis Stump

About this tournament

Celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Two Mile Run Extension DGC with the first PDGA-sanctioned tournament in Beaver County, PA on one of the highest rated 9-hole courses in the country!

Temporary PDGA membership fees for WOMEN and JUNIORS are waived! Sponsored by Grip It and Rip It DG.

All players will sign up for a tee time when they register and play 18-holes (9x2) in groups of 3 friends all playing same tees.

Book a tee time during the Morning wave (8:35am-9:45am), Mid-day wave (11:35am-1pm), or Afternoon wave (3:00pm-4:35pm). 18-hole round will take approximately 3 hours. The TEE TIME LIST appears after the list of registered players.


All amateurs receive an Innova player package, including 2MRX custom-stamped 10-year anniversary disc, Innova String bag, sticker, and $10 DGU voucher (package value $30). Trophies-only (no payout) in each Am division with at least 8 players.

A Tournament course record bonus is in play for MPO and FPO divisions ONLY. 100% of net entry fees paid out to top 40% of pro divisions via PayPal.

TEE ASSIGNMENTS: all divisions play Holes 1-9 from RED TEES to RED BASKETS, and Holes 10-18 from WHITE TEES to YELLOW BASKETS. All groups start on Hole 1.

First place ties will be broken on 2MRX Hole 1 at 8:00pm July 5, or at some other time mutually agreeable to the tied players..

$2 Ace pot and other side-games. Ace pot paid out via PayPal. If no aces are hit, ace pot will go to 2MRX Tee Pad fund.

$5 of each entry goes directly to: PDGA ($2 player fee), Brighton Township ($1 facility use), Beaver County Disc Golf Alliance ($1 course maintenance cost), and to Grip It and Rip It DG ($1 event management).

All PDGA guidelines are in effect and special COVID 19 instructions and adherence to these guidelines are required. Players must practice social distancing throughout the event, not pick up each others belongings, and maintain electronic scorecards. Wearing masks or face coverings are encouraged.

Singles and two-somes will be grouped in the next available slots. If you want to play with your friends, it is best to have one person register all card mates for the same tee time. Card mates can register individually, but slots could get taken before your whole group gets registered.

No practice rounds allowed on 7/5/20. All groups must not arrive until 15 minutes before their tee time when they MUST check in at tournament HQ. Groups late for their tee time may have to wait until next available tee time to start their round

Refund policy

Grip It and Rip It Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/44583
1Jeremiah Libby6363$140
2Jake Russell6464$65
3Cody Winget6565$37
3J. Gary Dropcho6565$37
3Tim Wright6565$37
6Jared Weidner6666$20
7Amadeo Cano III6767
7Regis Stump6767
9Mark Prestopnik6868
10Eden Gonano7272
10Sid Olcott7272
12Ted Jusczak7474
13Matt McMillan7575
14Corey Diab7676
1Lori Merriman7676$25
1Anson Reppermund6565
2Mark Fedorenko6565
3Jonathon Arnette6666
4Mike Vasey6767
5Macky D6969
6Luke Turkovich7171
7Alexander Williamson7474
7Zach Trdinich7474
9Jeffrey Wilber7777
10Kurt Poole7878
11Ross Schweitzer7979
1Cody Echtler6767
2Cameron Weber6767
3Mike Ewan6868
3Ryan Szoldatits6868
3Zechariah Dahm6868
6Kevin Sines6969
7Michael Egnaczyk7070
8Howie Kocher7171
8Tim Rastetter7171
10Gary Hartle7272
10Josh McAfee7272
10Patrick Williams7272
13Samuel Karas7373
14David Davidson7676
14Seth Bulow7676
16Blake Wright7878
16Jesse Holeczy7878
18Joseph Zachary Guiciardi7979
18Matt Peel7979
18Tim Hare7979
21Matthew Brungo8080
22Doug Cloutier8181
22Thomas Thornton8181
24Terry Miles8383
25Devin Sulkowski9090
25Jesse Haffey9090
25John Prechtl9090
25Patrick Kairis9090
1Clinton Logan7171
2Cody Calvin7676
2Kevin Sulia7676
4Justin Curtis7777
4Ryan Smoley7777
6Josh BonAnno7878
7James Lohry7979
8Lawson Fisher8282
9Brandon King8383
10Doug Florian8484
10Gerald Haynes8484
10Matthew Morrissey8484
10Rodrick Kaiser8484
14Jamie Jamison8585
15James Flatt8686
16Leonard A. Mancinelli8787
16Ryan McBride8787
16Zack Westfall8787
19Michael Deitriech8888
20William Broskey9393
21Boog Jazbinsek100100
1Lea Vasey8181
2Sue Guiciardi9090
3Christine Sines9595
4Sarah Munyoki102102
5Lisa Tirmenstein111111
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