Festivus: Feats of Strength (Ice Bowl Fundraiser #1)

Disc golf event

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Hosted by LoCo Disc Golf Club

Part of LoCo Ice Bowl Fundraiser Series


  • Sat
    Dec 26


    First group's throws and putts begin.


RAB Orange <750 $5
RAK Yellow <700 $5
RAC Brown <650 $5
RAZ Ivory <600 $5
RAY Indigo <550 $5
LCPS Loudoun County High Schools $5
RAV Peridot <500 $5
RPA Gold [rating 970+] $5
RAH Blue [rating <970] $5
RAD White [rating <935] $5
RAE Red [rating <900] $5
RAF Green [rating <850] $5
RAG Purple [rating <800] $5

About this tournament

This is a fundraiser event designed to raise money for the LoCo Disc Golf Club's Ice Bowl donation to Loudoun Hunger Relief!

This event will crown champions, in each Ratings-Based Division, for the following events:

Longest Putt
Longest Backhand Throw
Longest Overhand Throw
Longest Forehand Throw
Longest Lid Throw
Longest Roller

Awards will be presented at the Ice Bowl.

So, how do you compete? Well, we will have groups of 24 every hour (to comport with Virginia COVID-19 guidance). For that hour, you will be able to purchase throws, which can be used to try and set any of the above records for your division. Want more throws? Buy more throws! Like a carnival game, you can keep on trying for all of your designated hour, but unlike a carnival game, this isn't rigged.

Distance will be measured from 14 blue pad by rangefinder. Longest putt will be to 15 purple basket, measured by tape.

The more throws you buy, the more hungry people get fed! It's a win-win!

No rating? Go to the Comments tab to figure out where you belong.

The LoCo Ice Bowl is a charity disc golf tournament. All proceeds go to Loudoun Hunger Relief to help feed the hungry in Loudoun County. Make a donation and learn more at https://www.facebook.com/donate/848057462627197/3750888104957740/

Refund policy

LoCo Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.