Fehringer Ranch Spring Open Sponsored by Dynamic Discs

PDGA logoSunday, November 1, 2020 at Fehringer Ranch in Littleton, Colorado
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Fehringer Ranch Spring Open Sponsored by Dynamic Discs graphic


Tournament DirectorZak Crosser
Asst Tournament DirectorBrandon Nelon
Asst Tournament DirectorDain Eric Cunningham

About this tournament

Fehringer Ranch Sping Open Update.

Tee times are posted please go to https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/44847 to get your tee time.

The good news is we have a date set! This event is now scheduled for November 1st.  The bad news is there are some changes to the event due to circumstances beyond our control.  First up, due to scheduling constraints and course availabilty, we have to condense the event into one day.  And because we are switching to a one day event, with daylight savings and 135 people registered, we are forced to make it a one round event as well. We are now working on the layout we may or may not be able to fit all 27 holes as originally planned. We should have the layout finalized by this weekend but we will have as many holes as possible. Once we get the layout finalized everyone should be getting an email with the hole by hole and instructions for the event. I want to thank everyone who has registered for the event and the patience you've all given while we worked to be able to play this tournament. Player packs were ordered in early March right before Covid shut everything down so we really want to be able to provide everyone a rated round as well as an awesome player pack. If you have any questions please email me at [email redacted]. We are looking forward to this event. Thank you all again.

Event Participant COVID-19 Waiver:

"I understand that participation in this event carries with it risk of injury or death and I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns expressly release, forever discharge, and hold harmless Fehringer Ranch Open, Zachary Crosser and the PDGA (the "Releasees") for all personal injury, loss, damage to property, or death in connection with my participation in this event. Further, I understand and acknowledge that there currently exists a global pandemic associated with the disease COVID-19, that I am participating in this event at my own risk, that any safety precautions designed to protect against the spread of COVID-19 undertaken by the Releasees does not guarantee I will not contract COVID-19, and that, the foregoing notwithstanding, it is my specific intent to affirm my foregoing release of the Releasees with respect to any personal injury, loss, damage to property, or death I may experience from COVID-19 in connection with my participation in this event."

Refund policy

303 Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/44847
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Nate Metzler7070$383
2Anthony Ippolito7171$232
2Maverick Robertson7171$232
4Patrick Blazek7373$157
5Ricardo Martinez7474$121
6Leonard Miller7575$81
6Liam Stott7575$81
6Luke Myers7575$81
9Calvin Delamere7676$30
9Josiah Griffin7676$30
11David Stepp7777
11Derrick McKee7777
11Ethan Boyd7777
11Skyler Mantey7777
15Garrett Olejniczak7979
16Chris Reed8080
17Erik B8484
18Bryan Luoma8686
18Coda Turner8686
20Hunter Bowman111111
21Jeremiah Desrosier888888
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Chad Francis7878$68
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Hank Kirwan7171$280
2Erik Tribelhorn7272
3Dain Eric Cunningham7777$175
4Chris Keener7979$130
5Randy Ortiz8383$95
6Paul Hooston8585
7Maurice Loco D Hirsch8787
8Jay Burghardt8989
9David Alperti9191
10Rick Kapalko9696
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Liz Tor8787$136
2Angelina Videtto9393
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Mike Brown7373
2Jack Sullivan7474
3Andy Bond7979
4Niko Garcia8181
4Tom Place8181
6David Baca8282
7Keenan Cook8484
8Nick Higganbotham8686
9Jeremy Leininger8787
10Mike Colella8888
11Connor Ross8989
12Ben M9292
13Josiah Anderson9393
14Dan Cole9595
15Daniel Young102102
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Lawwrence Taylor7676
2Derek Bricker7777
3Truc Nguyen7878
4Daniel Lewis8181
5Tarmen Adams8787
6Shawn Gower9494
7Jamos Purtill9595
8Nathan Lochner9999
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Jeff Borden8181
2Patrick Payer8585
2Travis McAlexander8585
4Al Pulkrab9090
5Steven “Noonan” Penton9797
6Bruce Anderson9898
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Josh Dean7575
2Philip Silva8181
3Doug Dunfee8383
3Jesse Koch-Laskowski8383
3Joshua Parrish8383
3Shyam Dhruv8383
7Jeremy Dunn8484
7Nathan Fisher8484
9Devon LaFrance8585
9Justin Ponsor8585
9Matt Urich8585
9Nathan Russell8585
13Frankie Robinson8787
13Gabriel Clifton8787
13Ian Dawson8787
13JT Taylor8787
17Andrew Tuke8888
17Josh Mefford8888
19Chris Krueger9191
19Mario Bucci9191
21Andrew Davie9292
22Bryce Nance9393
22Emmanuel Cash9393
24Todd Merkle9494
25Daniel Meeks9595
26Ryan Boone9797
27Chris Hemenway100100
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Jonathan Sachs8282
2Leo Miller8383
3Nick Ross8484
4Jeff Carson8585
5Andy Blanton8787
5Chris Leete8787
7James Wedding9090
7Ty Ferris9090
9Johnathan Vega9191
9Jon Kearsley9191
9Nathan Freeman9191
9Nick Mitchell9191
13David Mazza9292
13Zach Griffith9292
15Justin Hunt9393
16John Fish9494
17Luke Maki9595
18Drew Pettner9797
18Joe Long9797
18K.E. Warner9797
21Travis Little9898
22Kyle Otersen103103
22Liam Mahoney103103
24Michael Tate104104
25Calvin Nordberg105105
26Eric Christ108108
27Gary Cooper110110
28Gunther Loveland132132
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Shawna Tribelhorn9494
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Donna Brown9595
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Ky Kline102102
2Camdyn Turner113113
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Lavena Olson107107
2Jessie Kudin108108
3Jennifer Taylor122122
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Nathan Tate8686
Round 1: Fehringer Ranch - Fehringer Ranch Spring Open 2020, 25 holes, par 78
1Gabe Anderson100100
2Harrison Lockridge101101
3Ezra Christ124124
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