
Faylor Lake Fall Classic Presented by Discmania & Double Helix Disc Sports

PDGA C-tier · Sat, Oct 23, 2021Oct 2021 · Beaver Springs, PA

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Eric Zimmerman First time signing up for a tournament, and was just curious as to how the waitlist works. Is it best to just keep checking the registered players tab to find out if those on the waitlist make it in? Oct 15, 2021
LEE ZIMMERMAN Oct 16, 2021 You will get an email once you get promoted to the active field. I just moved some things around so you are now in and should have gotten an email. Thanks for entering and good luck!
Nick Richardson Any chance this course will be open Friday for anybody who wants a practice round? Oct 13, 2021
LEE ZIMMERMAN Oct 13, 2021
Yes! The course is mostly playable and everyone that wants to can come and play a round. The course ... show more ›
LEE ZIMMERMAN Oct 13, 2021 The course is listed on Udisc as, Faylor Lake DiscGolfPark
LEE ZIMMERMAN I added 4 spots each to MA1 and MA2. I will now let the divisions as they are until the middle of next week and see how it's looking by then. If FA2 doesn't get any people registered by then i'll eliminate that division and add 4 more spots to MA2. Oct 9, 2021
LEE ZIMMERMAN Wait list is now open. Sign up and I will open up 4 to 8 spots by the weekend Oct 8, 2021
Everyone, I was busy this morning and didn't see all the messages coming through. I apologize for not checking up. You are correct that some people got in without sponsoring holes. This was due to a s ... show more ›
Oct 8, 2021
LEE ZIMMERMAN Oct 8, 2021 Also just to clear everything up we did not get more entries than the 18 that were available so it won't make any difference to what is available tonight when regular registration opens.
Bradley Rinker I’m just curious as to how people are getting in with only paying the 40 plus fees but when I try it’s 86??? Oct 8, 2021
Dwight Brubacker Oct 8, 2021 These people are volunteer workers who helped several days at the course to prep it for play. They have been given the opportunity to register early as a reward.
Bradley Rinker Oct 8, 2021 Negative.. I know several who got in that had nothing to do with volunteering and they got in for 40 dollars no sponsorship nothing
Gary Daddario Are division limits static, or will they expand to accommodate the field? Oct 8, 2021
I'm planning to move spots from the divisions that don't fill to allow more in MA2 & MA1. I will wai ... show more ›
Cameron Cutshaw Will there be pros there Oct 6, 2021
It depends what you classify as a pro. If you are thinking regular touring pros then no. There will ... show more ›
Kyle Luce Is this course on Udisc? I can't seem to find it. Oct 5, 2021
This is a brand new course that didn't open yet and this is the official opening event. As of today ... show more ›
LEE ZIMMERMAN Oct 5, 2021 If you want to see hole layouts i have a file in the pictures section of this tournament page.
Davis Michael I'd like to play, but I'm already playing a different tourney that day, plus I prefer unsanctioned events. Will be waiting for something fun in the spring! Oct 2, 2021
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