Friday, April 14, 2017 at Fallasburg Park in Lowell, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament


About this tournament

Want to play more tournaments, but don't have time to spend a whole Saturday or Sunday playing disc? Got a family, got a job, got a wedding to go to but still want to play in a disc golf tournament?! We have the perfect solution! Friday Night Flights are a one round flex start tournament.You show up with two other friends or find some new ones at hole one. Pay your tournament fee $15 plus your one time tag fee $10. Now just play one round just like a casual round but this time each shot counts! Once you finish turn in your card and go home. We will notify you if you won and get you your prizes!

>Not a series each tournament is a stand alone. No need to play everyone.Show up to the ones you can.

>No pre reg.

>Every other week starting Mar 17-Aug 25 (3-17,3-31,4-14,4-28, 5-5,5-19,6-2,6-16,6-30,7-14,7-28, 8-11,8-25)

>We will go between SMASH, Tower and Fallasburg starting at Smash

>We will offer at least 1 CTP and 1 Long Putt. Most dates will have more

>Cost $15 (AMs -$10 to payout/$5 to club for prizes Pro- $12 to payouts/ $3 to club for prizes) players first week add $10 for player pack (tag and mini)

>Payouts for Pro is cash and AM payout is gift cards to local disc shops

>All money for each division stays in that division

>Top 3 spots get payout if at least 5 (50%/30%/20%) less than 5 players only top spot paid.

>All divisions offered if at least 3 people play.

>If you win AM4-2 or FAM4-2 division twice you must move up to a higher division


Final Results

Round 1: Fallasburg Park - Long tees, 18 holes, par 58
1Bret Good5252$60
2Willie Prince5454$36
3Brad Levendosky5454$24
4Dan Treece5555
5Shawn Gerkin5555
6Tyler Berg5757
7Scott Scholten5858
8David Burkholder5858
9Andy DeDonado5959
10Steve Hatter5959
1Travis Reinhart5656$30
2Matt Brimmer5959
3Jared Rittersdorf6262
1John Hendrickson5757$30
2Kurt Hall5858$18
3Michael McCarty6060$12
4Steven Camling6262
5Matt Helms6565
6Chris Markel6868
Round 1: Fallasburg Park - Long tees, 18 holes, par 58
1Carlos Vilalobos5959$56
2Tyler Moore6363$42
3Aaron Coates6363$28
4Thomas DeCraene6464$14
5Codie McConnell6565
6Max Kolenda6767
7Jacob Spencer6969
8Chris Sias7171
9Juan Borja7171
10Matt Mochner7272
11Jeff Tice7575
11Keven Krieger7575
13Paxton Partridge7676
14Travis Teusink7777
15Trevor Reniger888888
Round 1: Fallasburg Park - Long tees, 18 holes, par 58
1Andy Smith6969$40
2Tim Belyou7272$24
3Jesse Mason7272$16
4Keith Taylor7272
5Danny Garza7373
6Paul Albrechtsen7575
7Chandra DeGood7575
Round 1: Fallasburg Park - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Stormie Morris6262$10
Round 1: Fallasburg Park - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Chandra Buckholz6565$20
2Holly Tice6868
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