Big thanks to Wally’s Pizza Bar for donating lunch for all the junior players.
Be sure to stop by their fine establishment in Cameron Park for a hearty meal and great ambiance.
Seeking donors at $50 each (18 needed) to make this event FREE for the kids!
PM me if you'd like to donate directly to avoid fees.
Would your business like to help support youth sports?
We would love to have donations in any amount.
Every junior player gets a FREE DISC, MINI, and LUNCH!
Short 9-hole course for younger players, and the full 18 for bigger kids.
Baskets will be in short positions.
Get your business, club, neighbor, grandparents & friends to support this fun and educational disc golf extravaganza.
Additional prizes and volunteers are WELCOME and needed
You can sponsor a game, help with lunch and drinks, or prizes.
E-mail Mike at [email redacted] with details.
No smoking or drinking on the course or near kids. Keep it classy!
Thanks for your support and help.
Keep 'em flying!