William Martin
Are we able to walk in and register to play? Looking to enter the MA2 division and am flexible to come whenever for tee time. Let me know and thanks! May 14, 2022
Casey Malone
Hey I’m up here with a friend from Tennessee for the USDGC doubles tournament in Charlotte on Sunday. Are there 2 spots available for MA1? May 13, 2022
Stephen Bruette
Since the tournament will be on a Saturday, are there any plans to have the temp course up the weekend before to get in a practice round? Also, do you know yet which tees each division will play from for each round? May 1, 2022
Hannable McGarity May 1, 2022The temp baskets will be placed Friday before the event.
Hannable McGarity May 1, 2022We will follow last years format of Long where available round 1 for MA1, MA40 and MA50. All others play short.