FCA Divine Discs

Saturday, October 26, 2024 at Oregon Park in Marietta, Georgia
Disc golf doubles tournament

FCA Divine Discs graphic

About this tournament

Come join us at our first FCA Divine Discs Tournament at Oregon Park on October 26th from 9am to 6pm. We are having a dual Tournament of singles (best score wins) and teams (best disc, lowest score wins). All funds raised from the tournament will go toward West Cobb FCA which serves at local high schools Allatoona, Harrison, Kennesaw Mountain, Hillgrove, Marietta, Mount Paran, Dominion, North Cobb, North Cobb Christian and Northwest Classical. We look forward to sharing a wonderful day of fun and fellowship with you and your family.

Tournament type: Flex Start (Come when you are able!)

- Dual Tournament

- Individual, decided by best score

- Team, 2-player team, best disc.

Each player throws disc, they choose best throw and both throw from there, continuing throughout hole. Pick up after bogey.

REGISTER HERE: https://fca.regfox.com/2024divinediscs

Registration Option*
Platinum Sponsor ($1,000.00)
- Logo at every hole
- Sponsor or enter 2 teams of 2 or 4 individual players
- 4 Perk Packages
- Tournament Custom Disc
- Table at Tournament

Gold Sponsor ($500.00)
- Logo every other hole
- Sponsor or enter 2 teams of 2 or 4 individual players
- 4 perk packages

MVP Long Drive Sponsor ($250.00)
- Logo at long drive
- 2 hole sign w/ logo
- Sponsor or enter 1 team of 2 or 2 individual players
- 2 perk packages

All-Star ($100.00)
- 1 Hole sign w/ logo
- Sponsor or enter 1 team of 2 or 2 individual players
- 2 perk packages

Pro Package ($50.00)
- 1 Hole sign with logo

2-Player Team ($40.00)
Individual ($20.00)

Pre-Sale Items
Perk Package: $20 ($25 Day of Tourn.)
-2 Mulligans off Tee
-1 Reputt
-Entry into Ace Challenge
-1 Bottle of Water
-3 Raffle Tickets
-3 Throws in Long Drive Contest (1 male winner and 1 female winner)
-Entry into CTP

Custom Tournament Disc: $20 ($25 Day Of Tourn.)

REGISTER HERE: https://fca.regfox.com/2024divinediscs


Oregon Park
Marietta, GA   Get Directions
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