Evansville Parks Fundraiser & IN State Games Event

PDGA logoSunday, June 6, 2021 at Woodmere DGC in Evansville, Indiana
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Evansville Parks Fundraiser & IN State Games Event graphic


Tournament DirectorSteven Waites
Indiana State Games OrganizerHolly Schneider

About this tournament

Two rounds of 18 at Woodmere Park in Evansville Indiana.
(A 2022 PDGA Amateur World Championship Course)

Trophy only for Ams. All cash payouts for Pros and CTP items will be done through PayPal. Disc for first 50 AMs event stamped or club disc. Shirt as available and can Koozie.

This is a PDGA Competition Endowment Program event with a focus to raise money to improve our local parks programs as well as a IN State Games/ Senior Games event.

All players will receive a custom event disc and shirt.

Refund policy

Ace Eagle Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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