2 Rounds at Effingham Disc Golf Course ; 18 regular holes + 3 temporary holes
First sanctioned tournament on our new Mach X's!!
First Round begins at 9:15 am (shotgun start).
Round 2 begins 1 hour after the last card is in (shotgun start).
Payouts after round two.
Ring of Fire to be played while payouts are being finalized.
$5 Ace Pool
$5 50/50 CTP
Player Packs to the first 50 Amateur players to sign up. Player's pack includes choice of Paul McBeth Zeus or Paul McBeth Malta, a Towel, and Sportsack.
Due to the COVID pandemic, players must wear a mask when in the yellow pavilion for payouts or when unable to maintain social distancing guidelines. There will be NO PLAYERS MEETING. I will send an email out with tournament information the night before.
No walk-up signups. Must sign-up online prior to the deadline. I will post starting holes on Friday night.
PDGA Live Scoring will be utilized for this tournament. I will have paper scorecards available as well if you would like. Otherwise, UDisc can be utilized as a second way of keeping score.
Plastic Addicts will be at the course to handle payouts.
OB Rules:
Hole 1:
• Triple Mando, drop zone on left side of fairway for any shot that misses mando / OB parking lot
Hole 2:
• OB pavement / keep left of MANDO / rocks on left on are INBOUNDS and may take 1-meter lateral relief from rocks / rocks on right do NOT play as relief but are INBOUNDS, play disc from where it lies / water plays as casual / OB on or in pavilion
Hole 3:
• OB parking lot / OB on or in pavilion/ OB on/under/in brown shed / water plays as casual
Hole 4:
• OB on & over road / keep left of MANDO, any throw that misses MANDO will play from drop zone at top of hill with one throw penalty / OB baseball field
Hole 5:
• OB baseball field/basketball court
Hole 5A:
• OB painted line down left side of fairway, OB on/in pavilion, OB on/over sidewalk
Hole 5B:
• ISLAND. Must land within painted circle. If not, play from lie as hazard with a one-stroke penalty
Hole 5C:
• OB painted line down left side of fairway / OB parking lot, indicated by painted line / OB gravel long indicated by painted line
Hole 6:
• OB on & over road left (through the woods) / OB beyond silver pipe fence left / stay left of MANDO; if MANDO is missed on your drive, play from the drop zone on the top of the hill; if MANDO is missed from second shot, play from directly left of MANDO tree / Creek plays as OB river, line on both sides of creek indicating OB
>>>There is grass between the woods and road at the bottom of the hill to the left. If you land in this area, it is inbounds up until the beginning of the silver pipe. This line is indicated by a painted white line.
Hole 7:
• Creek plays as river / road OB
Hole 8:
• OB line along creek left / OB on & over road. 1-meter relief from the rock/pebble that lines the asphalt road
Hole 9:
• OB on & over road, 1-meter relief if in large rocks
Hole 10:
• Island hole / On & before walking path OB, parking lot OB, over fence OB, line on left indicating OB / Drop Zone in middle of fairway just before the walking path
Hole 11:
• OB baseball field, OB parking lot, OB line down left of fairway, OB inside fence by shed, OB on green shed, OB on bathroom. Play from where disc went OB
Hole 12:
• OB line down left side, OB on & over road. Water plays as casual
Hole 13:
• OB on & over road, OB playground
Hole 14:
• OB on & over road, OB playground, OB parking lot. May take 1-meter relief from large rocks in ditch
Hole 15:
• OB on & over road, OB all levels of terrace on right, OB compost bin, OB line on right between terrace and compost bin indicating OB line, water plays as casual. 1-meter relief from the rock/pebble that lines the asphalt road
Hole 16:
• OB on & over road, OB line along creek. 1-meter relief from the rock/pebble that lines the asphalt road
Hole 17:
• OB on & over road, OB line along creek. 1-meter relief from the rock/pebble that lines the asphalt road
Hole 18:
• OB on & over road, OB on pavilion or concreate, water plays as casual
I just added a map to the Pictures section for reference.
Thank you!