1. *Tee times* will be posted by sunrise Sat and will run between 8am and 2pm, tentative tee times are posted Here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v_U90idoO1yTty42Mh3DA3YIsglBKIFx3eMwYInjt6E/e ...
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Tee times will be posted by sunrise Sat and will run between 8am and 2pm, tentative tee times are posted Here
Parking, please only park in the parking lots, not near the basketball courts. Please park 6' from the next car. They have been monitoring all the parks so we need to make sure we follow their guidelines.
Arrival and departure, please do not arrive more than 1 Hour before your tee time, those of you traveling a long distance can fudge that a little bit so you can get stretched before play.
Check in please pull up to the shelter and we can check you in from your car, after that please follow parking signs, Please check in at least 30 minutes before your round.
Practice and warm upThe practice basket will be off limits near hole ones tee, you can use any of the other 2 baskets that we have set up, please no more than 4 players at a time near the baskets. Warm-up drives must utilize large fields up top. NO practice throws towards the center arch. You may also use the 4 baskets on Eagle Ridge DGC holes 1-4. (on udisc)
Water, there will not be any communal water or snacks provided please pack it in and pack it out when you come, trash cans are limited. Water will be available at tents on the course along with hand sanitizer.
Tees, please only one person near the tee at a time. KEEP more than 6’ appart
Do not touch other players equipment or gear, do your best to stay six feet apart.
In case there is a backup on a hole, please wait at a different location or near the basket to let others know to wait on their tee. Do not congregate in any teeing area, no more than 4 players near any tee there will be tents in open areas of the course for you to wait in if needed please do not congregate in large groups under the tents.
Lightning, it is possible for us to have a couple storms come through, in case of lightning we will suspend play based on PDGA guidelines. If this happens take shelter or return to TD central and shelter in place, in your vehicle.
Scoring, you will pick one player on your card to keep score VIA, UDisc, You will Pick Blue or Gold Layout and set up Three players, you can use team names as player, Add Crabby PDGA# 67699, we will set each card up before You tee off. go to When your round is finished you will submit the card and I will receive a copy. If you do not have signal WiFi will be available at Tournament central.
Finishing your round, please check to see if we received your score, make sure all parties agree on the scorecard before submitting. Pick up players pack after your round, AM’s only
Payout, Will be, all Pro Via PayPal, all AMs pick up at Hazy ShadeDisc Golf, 638 Watervliet Ave Dayton, OH 45420 Ams should be able to pick up Next week when Hazyshade opens or arrangements will be made to pick and ship.
Scores are Here
PDGA rules apply except for the changes mentioned above.
Course particulares OB will be painted. Follow link
Or you can download the attached PDF.
Official Digital Scorecard Usage Requirements
1. All rules set forth in the Official Rules of Disc Golf Rule 808
Scoring <
https://www.pdga.com/rules/official-rules-disc-golf/808are in
full effect and must be followed without exception.
2. All players must be informed that digital scoring is both official
and authoritative.
3. Paper scorecards must be provided so players can record scores in the
event of technical issues.
4. Digital scoring must not be forced upon players.
5. To hand off scoring duties, the player keeping score must sign out on
their device and have the next player sign in on their own device.
6. Players in a group may agree on a single player to keep score for the
entire round.
7. Discrepancies, provisional scores, or warnings for rules infractions
must be recorded for each hole in accordance with rules 808 C and 808 E.
8. Each player must review, confirm and digitally sign-off on their
scores at the end of the round by individually entering their name or PDGA
number into the app.
Check UDisc for GPS map