Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ Jimmy Porter #5

PDGA C-tier

Friday, December 8, 2023

Hosted by Dynamic Discs Carrollton


  • Fri
    Dec 8

    8:00am - 3:00pm

    Players may begin teeing off at 8:00AM. Players may TEE OFF AS LATE AS 3:30PM. All Players must tee off from hole one!!!

    PDGA Live Scoring is JIMMY.

    Ace Pot starts at $385!


    3:00pm - 3:00pm

    Last tee time for all registered players.


MPO Mixed Pro Open $15
FPO Women's Pro Open $15
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $15
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $15
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $15
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $15
MP55 Mixed Pro 55+ $15
FP55 Women's Pro 55+ $15
MP60 Mixed Pro 60+ $15
FP60 Women's Pro 60+ $15
MP65 Mixed Pro 65+ $15
FP65 Women's Pro 65+ $15
MP70 Mixed Pro 70+ $15
FP70 Women's Pro 70+ $15
MP75 Mixed Pro 75+ $15
FP75 Women's Pro 75+ $15
MP80 Mixed Pro 80+ $15
FP80 Women's Pro 80+ $15
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $15
FA1 Women's Am 1 $15
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $15
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $15
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $15
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $15
MA55 Mixed Am 55+ $15
FA55 Women's Am 55+ $15
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $15
FA60 Women's Am 60+ $15
MA65 Mixed Am 65+ $15
FA65 Women's Am 65+ $15
MA70 Mixed Am 70+ $15
FA70 Women's Am 70+ $15
MA75 Mixed Am 75+ $15
FA75 Women's Am 75+ $15
MA80 Mixed Am 80+ $15
FA80 Women's Am 80+ $15
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $15
FA2 Women's Am 2 $15
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $15
FA3 Women's Am 3 $15
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $15
FA4 Women's Am 4 $15
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $15
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $15
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 $15
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 $15
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 $15
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $15
MJ10 Mixed Junior 10 $15
FJ10 Girls' Junior 10 $15
MJ08 Mixed Junior 8 $15
FJ08 Girls' Junior 8 $15
MJ06 Mixed Junior 6 $15
FJ06 Girls' Junior 6 $15

About this tournament

View Full Payout and Results here:

Ace pot starts @ $385.00

$8 from each entry goes to payout. The additional $7 goes back to the PDGA, TD fees, and costs associated with using the course for organized events.

2024 Dynamic Discs Flex Start Fridays Tour Standards

This document is meant to provide you with all of the information needed involving Dynamic Discs Carrollton (henceforth mentioned as DDC) and its Flex Start Friday Tour Standards for the 2024 tournament season (January-December 2024). This document will cover DDC events sanctioned as C tiers by the Professional Disc Golf Association. We at Dynamic Discs Carrollton want to provide the best tournament experience possible to all competitors involved. We pledge to follow all PDGA rules and regulations as well as enforce them to the best of our abilities. Creating the best possible atmosphere for fair competition is our number one priority. If you have questions regarding any of the tour standards we have put into place, please email [email redacted]. We appreciate our patrons, our supporters, our competitors, our sponsors, and the entire Disc Golf family.

Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC. Non-Liability waiver

Participants hereby hold blameless and fully release Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC., Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside Discs, the Professional Disc Golf Association, the tournament directors, local and state park services, and all tournament partners/sponsors and individuals or parties associated with Dynamic Discs from all liability of personal damage or injury which I may incur before, during, or after my participation in this event. I accept full and sole responsibility for any damage I may cause through negligence and/or malice, including damages or injuries caused by my own throws in practice or competition. I also recognize that Dynamic Discs Carrollton, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside Discs, event staff, the PDGA, and any other media outlets covering the event have the right and responsibility to record the event and participants via video and still photography. Such photography and/or video may be used for event publicity, public information or any other promotional use that falls within event activities.

Dynamic Discs Flex Start C Tier Template

Dynamic Discs Flex Start C tiers are built to accommodate players who want to play competitively without the expense, stress, scheduling conflicts or intimidation of larger tournaments. These events allow you to play at your own convenience between the times allotted for each event. Flex Start C tiers consist of only one round. In most cases these events are on an 18-hole course/layout and all divisions play the same layout unless otherwise specified. The hours vary, but most events allow competitors to tee off anytime from 8AM-3PM during the winter months and 9AM-6PM during the majority of Daylight Savings Time. Location, course difficulty, and time of year are the deciding factors in the planning process and are subject to change from week to week.

The cost per player is $15.00 if the participant is a current PDGA member. An optional Ace Pot is available for $5.00 more. The ace pot which accompanies each event rolls over to the next flex start C Tier event if an eligible hole-in-one is not hit. Once the ace pot grows to $1,000.00, it is capped and a back-up ace pot begins. Only participants who paid the optional $5.00 are eligible for ace payout in the instance they hit a hole-in-one. If paid in, the optional $5.00 allows for any participant to collect the total ace pot if a hole-in-one is carded.
Dynamic Discs Flex Start C Tier Template (Cont’d)

Any person may compete in a sanctioned DDC Flex Start event. Competitors must be current PDGA members or pay an additional $10.00 fee to become a temporary member for each event sanctioned by the PDGA. Participants are then eligible to compete in any division for which they qualify based on age, rating, gender and class (professional or amateur). The $10.00 PDGA fee for non-members is waived for youth competitors in any Junior division for C Tier events. Dynamic Discs Flex Start C Tier events do not award trophies nor do they offer a player’s package.

*New breakdown of tournament costs for 2024*

The following info pertains to Amateur and Pro Entry fees for C tiers
Initial cost - $15.00/player (Am or Pro)
Payout guaranteed on $8.00/player
Remaining $7/player is allocated in the following way:
$2.00/player goes back to PDGA
$5.00/player goes to green fees. Green fees include the cost of TD fees, permits, additional insurance documentation, and costs associated with running events (restrooms, etc.) according to the local municipal stipulations/rentals on public properties and necessities for the safety and security of the players. Although these fees are set for the 2024 calendar year, they are subject to change for specific events

Scores and registration are uploaded to PDGA.com periodically throughout each sanctioned Flex Start event so competitors and the general public alike may follow ratings, participation, and final results.

II. Tournament Registration

Registration for Dynamic Discs Carrollton Flex Start C Tier sanctioned events can be done onsite the day of the event with CASH ONLY or online through DiscGolfScene.com. The event capacity is 250 competitors. Flex Start Friday events do not provide player packs to amateur players. There is no waitlist and no minimum participation for any division. The cost of the event is the same for all divisions unless specified otherwise for a specific event. Players may only register onsite on the day of the event if they are paying CASH or register online at DiscGolfScene.com. We will not accept paypal, venmo, cash app, or apple pay or credit cards for tournament registrations onsite or in person.

III. Withdrawals and Refunds

Once a player begins his/her round, there will be no refunds given for any reason. If a player has to quit due to injury, illness, or an emergency during their round, a score of 999 will be assessed for not finishing the event as long as the Tournament Director is notified. If a player walks off the course in the middle of their round and fails to tell the Tournament Director or any of the tournament staff, the player will receive an 888. Communication is key so DDC can better serve you.
IV. Event Check-In

Check-in for a Flex Start C tier is complete once a competitor registers onsite or verifies their pre-registration on DiscGolfScene.com with the Dynamic Discs staff onsite.

V. Grouping and Sectioning of Divisions

Dynamic Discs Flex Start C Tiers do not have a set minimum of participation for any division. Players may set their own groups, or they may ask the Tournament Director onsite to help form a group to play with. Players in different divisions may compete on the same card. This will happen often, especially when competitors are waiting to be placed in a group to begin play. The minimum number of players needed to start a round is THREE (3) and the maximum is FOUR (4) unless otherwise specified by the Tournament Director before the group officially starts their round. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYERS IN ONE GROUP.

VI. Rules of Disc Golf/Competition

Please refer to the Professional Disc Golf Association’s Competition Manual and the Official Rules of Disc Golf for all sanctioned events hosted by DDC. These rules will be enforced to the fullest extent at each sanctioned event. For the safety, fairness, and integrity of the sport, it is necessary that all competitors are accountable for their own actions. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
PDGA Official Rules of Disc Golf:
PDGA Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events:
PDGA Tour Standards:
As a tournament player it is your responsibility to know the rules of disc golf before competing in a sanctioned event. Please be responsible and know the formats/layouts and daily schedule before arriving at the event. If you arrive without this knowledge, please see the tournament staff so they can answer any questions you may have in order to play the event without issue.
As tournament/competitive/recreational players it is our responsibility to adhere to park rules, COVID-19 standards and precautions, and to the welfare of others. Please keep sidewalks and paths clear of bags/carts. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way. Even though these events are official, and we have exclusive use of the courses, these are public parks.
We DO NOT kick people out or tell them they cannot play the course. We DO tell them what is going on and give them all of the information needed to make sure there is little or no issue. In all cases these situations tend to work themselves out. As tournament players I feel it is our duty to be positive and informative towards others regardless of being a part of a paid tournament. All in all, we should be respectful and kind to everyone we come in contact with.

VII. Ties Broken

Ties for first place in any division will be broken with sudden-death play involving the players affected by the tie as long as all parties are present. Sudden-death play will begin on hole one unless otherwise stated by the Tournament Director. If all parties are not present for a tie breaker, all parties involved in first place ties will receive first place. Winnings for first place ties at Flex Start events will always be split evenly between all finishers with the same score.

In the event the tournament is called due to dangerous conditions, first place ties will not be broken and all competitors currently tied for first place will be considered co-champions assuming there is no option to continue/complete play.

VIII. Distribution of Tournament Winnings
Tournament reports will be submitted on Monday following any Friday, Saturday, or Sunday event. CASH winnings for Professionals will be sent out on Monday before 6PM CDT (as long as it does not fall on a holiday, federal or otherwise) following any Friday, Saturday or Sunday event. This will be handled via PayPal. If the recipient does not have a paypal account, DDC will hold winnings until the individual can receive payment. Winnings not redeemed within 6 months will be relinquished by the player.
Merchandise winnings of any sort shall be claimed within six (6) months of the tournament date. Any winnings not redeemed inside of six months will be relinquished by the player. DDC offers payout onsite during each event and anytime during business hours at Dynamic Discs Carrollton. If a competitor wishes to use payout online, 35% of the total amount of payout will be deducted for this service.
Trophies - Trophies are not awarded at Flex Start C Tiers

IX. Dynamic Discs Texas COVID Policies, Course Etiquette, and Waiver

In order for events to take place and proceed in the safest manner possible, participants need to consider and follow these safety measures:
Social distancing of at least 6 feet apart from others is encouraged.
Do not touch anyone or anyone else's property (discs included).
Do not crowd the tournament staff at any point.
We ask anyone who shows any symptoms associated with COVID-19 or other sickness not to participate or attend any event. This is for your own safety, the safety of volunteers, the Dynamic Discs staff, and everyone else involved.

Event Participant COVID-19 Waiver
Participants understand that participation in this event carries with it risk of injury or death and I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns expressly release, forever discharge, and hold harmless any 2024 event hosted by Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC., Steven Storrie, Cody Jenkins, Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC. and its staff, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside Discs, all municipalities and organizations in relation to the event including their officers, agents, and employees, and the Professional Disc Golf Association from all personal injury, loss, damage to property, or death in connection with my participation in this event.

Further, I understand and acknowledge that I am participating in this event at my own risk, that any safety precautions designed to protect against the spread of COVID-19 undertaken by the Releasees does not guarantee I will not contract COVID-19, and that, the foregoing notwithstanding, it is my specific intent to affirm my foregoing release of the Releases with respect to any personal injury, loss, damage to property, or death I may experience from COVID-19 in connection with my participation in this event.

X. PDGA Scoring and Digital Scorecard for 2024

All players will now be required to keep score for the whole group. This ensures even distribution of scoring duties and maximizes scoring integrity. It also limits scoring penalties to the player who submitted the incorrect scorecard.
Each player must keep an independent scorecard recording scores after each hole for the entire group. A player who refuses to keep score may be subject to disqualification.
Players may delegate scorekeeping duties only to their designated caddie.
Each player records the score for every player in the group in a manner that makes each score clear to every player in the group. Any warnings or penalty throws are to be noted along with the score for the hole. All players are responsible for reconciling and submitting their copy of the scorecard within 30 minutes of when their group finished their round. A player who has not submitted their scorecard on time receives two penalty throws.
If a player submits a scorecard where their total score or hole scores are incorrect, improperly recorded, or missing, two penalty throws are added to the correct total score. Those penalty throws are not added when the score has been adjusted for other violations determined after the player had submitted an otherwise correct scorecard.
A player is not penalized if another member of their group submits an incorrect scorecard.

We will not use physical paper scorecards as the official scoring outlet for PDGA events unless cellular service is not strong enough. Physical scorecards will be utilized as a backup. As of 2024. All players in each group must keep their own score and the scores of everyone in their group according to PDGA rules. In order to review this method and familiarize yourself with the process, please follow this link: https://www.pdga.com/apps/tournament/score/help
To start your round with digital scoring you will need to go to the following link: www.pdga.com/score. You may also download the PDGA LIVE app to your phone.
Below you will find easy steps to complete the PDGA Live scoring process:

Signing In
Go to PDGA.com/score
Enter the access code provided by the event staff
Type your name or PDGA number and select your name from the list

Starting a new round
Press the KEEP SCORE button
If necessary, select your starting hole and add players to your scorecard
Specify optional settings
Press the BEGIN PLAY button

Keeping the score
Enter the score for each player on the scorecard
Press the SAVE and CONTINUE button

Resolving conflicts
A notification will appear if another scorekeeper records a different score
A warning icon will be shown in the CARD tab
Navigate the affected hole(s) and make corrections as needed

Completing the round
Record scores for all holes
Press the FINISH ROUND button
Verify each player has the correct score and check the box
Press the SUBMIT SCORECARD button

Completing the round with multiple scorekeepers
The scorecards will prompt all scorekeepers to wait until the other scorekeepers have also finished scoring
Once all identical scorecards have been submitted, scoring is complete.

Paper scorecards are recommended and will be available anytime at tournament central for people to pick up as a backup scorecard for easier group verification. Players are encouraged to keep as many backups as they need in order to make the scoring process easier to avoid miscalculations resulting in penalty strokes.

A Course Rule Sheet will also be provided at each event. This will be in the form of a digital copy on live scoring as well as a physical copy to take a picture of or have for yourself during the tournament.

Refund policy


*If you need to cancel for any event, the request MUST be made by email to [email redacted]. Cancellations before the event will receive a full refund minus any fees discgolfscene.com incurs during the registration process.

Once a player begins his/her round, there will be no refunds given for any reason. If a player has to quit due to injury, illness, or an emergency during their round, a score of 999 will be assessed for not finishing the event as long as the Tournament Director is notified. If a player walks off the course in the middle of their round and fails to tell the Tournament Director or any of the tournament staff, the player will receive an 888. Communication is key so we can better serve you.