Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles @ Jimmy Porter Park

Doubles tournament

Friday, October 21, 2022

Hosted by Dynamic Discs Carrollton


  • Fri
    Oct 14

    9:00am - 5:00pm

    Players may begin teeing off at 9AM. Players may TEE OFF AS LATE AS 5:00PM. No less than 3 and no more than 4 players per card. All cards must start on Hole #1.

    5:00pm - 5:00pm

    Last tee time for all registered players


MIX Guy/Girl Team $30 / team
MPO Mixed Pro Open $40 / team
FPO Women's Pro Open $40 / team
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $40 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $30 / team
FA1 Women's Am 1 $30 / team
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $30 / team
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $30 / team

About this tournament

Dynamic Discs 2022 BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles

This document is meant to provide you with all of the information needed involving Dynamic Discs Carrollton (DDC) and its BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles standards for the 2022 year. We pledge to be professional and courteous in our efforts to ensure the best experience possible for all competitors. Creating the best possible atmosphere for fair competition is our number one priority. If you have questions regarding any of the tour standards we have put into place, please email [email redacted]. We appreciate our patrons, our supporters, our competitors, our sponsors, and the entire Disc Golf family.

Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC. Non-Liability waiver

Participants hereby hold blameless and fully release Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC., Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside Discs, the Professional Disc Golf Association, the tournament directors, local and state park services, and all tournament partners/sponsors and individuals or parties associated with Dynamic Discs from all liability of personal damage or injury which I may incur before, during, or after my participation in this event. I accept full and sole responsibility for any damage I may cause through negligence and/or malice, including damages or injuries caused by my own throws in practice or competition. I also recognize that Dynamic Discs Carrollton, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside Discs, event staff, the PDGA, and any other media outlets covering the event have the right and responsibility to record the event and participants via video and still photography. Such photography and/or video may be used for event publicity, public information or any other promotional use that falls within event activities.

Dynamic Discs 2022 BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles

Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles Template

Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles are built to accommodate players who want to play competitively without the expense, stress, scheduling conflicts or intimidation of larger tournaments. These events allow you to play at your own convenience between the times allotted for each event. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles allow players to play multiple times with each entry. Teams may play in any division they qualify for based on PDGA rating and cash requirements. In most cases these events are on an 18-hole layout and all divisions play the same layout unless otherwise specified. The hours vary, but most events allow competitors to tee off anytime from 8AM-3PM during the winter months and 9AM-6PM during the majority of Daylight Savings Time. Location, course difficulty, and time of year are the deciding factors and are subject to change from week to week.

In most cases, the cost per Doubles Team is $30.00 for Amateur (merchandise winnings) Divisions and $40.00 for Pro (cash winnings) Divisions. An optional Ace Pot is available for an additional $10.00 per team. The ace pot which accompanies each event rolls over to the next BYOP Doubles event if an eligible hole-in-one is not hit. Once the ace pot grows to $1,500.00, it is capped and a back-up ace pot begins. Only participating teams who paid the optional $10.00 at each event are eligible for ace payout in the instance they hit a hole-in-one.

Any person may compete in a Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles event. Competitors DO NOT need to be current PDGA members to register. Participants are eligible to compete in any division for which they qualify based on age, rating, gender and class (professional or amateur based on PDGA guidelines). Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events do not award trophies nor do they offer a player’s package. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events offer 100% Payout to all divisions. Scores and registration are uploaded to a public google document periodically throughout each Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles event so competitors and the general public alike may follow participation, scores, and final results.

II. Registration

Registration for Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events can be done onsite the day of the event or online through DiscGolfScene.com. The event capacity is 250 competitors. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events do not provide player packs to amateur players. There is no waitlist and no minimum participation for any division. The cost of these events is listed in RED in the first section of the template and is subject to change.
III. Withdrawals and Refunds

Once a player begins his/her round, there will be no refunds given for any reason. If a player has to quit due to injury, illness, or an emergency during their round, a score of 999 will be assessed for not finishing the event. Communication is key so our staff can better serve you.

IV. Event Check-In

Check-in for a Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles event is complete once a team registers onsite or verifies their pre-registration on DiscGolfScene.com with the Dynamic Discs staff onsite.

V. Grouping and Sectioning of Divisions

Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles do not have a set minimum of participation for any division. Players may choose the individuals they play with. Players in different divisions may compete on the same card. This will happen often when teams are waiting to be placed in a group to begin play. The minimum number of teams needed to start a round is two teams and the maximum is TWO teams unless otherwise specified by the Tournament Director before the event begins.

VI. Rules of Disc Golf/Competition

Please refer to the Professional Disc Golf Association’s Competition Manual and the Official Rules of Disc Golf for guidelines on the rules of disc golf and competition standards. These rules and standards will be used by Dynamic Discs in order to ensure the safety, fairness, and integrity of the sport. Players will be held accountable for their actions at all times. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.

PDGA Official Rules of Disc Golf:

VII. Ties Broken

Ties for first place in any division will be broken with sudden-death play involving the teams affected by the tie as long as all parties are present. Sudden-death play will begin on hole one unless otherwise stated by the Dynamic Discs staff. If all parties are not present for a tie breaker, all parties involved in first place ties will receive first place. Winnings for first place ties at Flex Start events will always be split evenly between all finishers with the same score.

In the event the tournament is called due to dangerous conditions, first place ties will not be broken and all competitors currently tied for first place will be considered co-champions assuming there is no option to continue/complete play.

VIII. Distribution of Tournament Winnings

Cash winnings for Professionals will be sent out on Monday before 7PM CDT following any Friday, Saturday or Sunday event. This will be handled via PayPal. If the recipient(s) does not have a paypal account, Dynamic Discs Carrollton will hold winnings until the individual can receive payment. Winnings not redeemed within 6 months will be relinquished by the player.
Merchandise winnings of any sort shall be claimed within six(6) months from the date of the event. Any winnings not redeemed inside of six months will be relinquished by the player. DDC offers payout onsite during each event and anytime during business hours at Dynamic Discs Carrollton. If a competitor wishes to use payout online, 30% of the total amount of payout will be deducted for this service.
Trophies - Trophies are not awarded at Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events

IX. Dynamic Discs Texas COVID Policies and Waiver

In order for events to take place and proceed in the safest manner possible, participants need to consider and follow these safety measures:
Social distancing of at least 6 feet apart from others is encouraged.
Masks are encouraged to be worn when this 6-foot policy cannot be adhered to.
Do not touch anyone or anyone else's property (discs included).
Do not crowd the tournament staff at any point.
Please stand in line and wait your turn while at the merchandise tables. We ask that no more than 3 people approach the tables at any given point.
Do not handle ANY merchandise without sanitizing your hands first (provided).
We ask anyone who shows any symptoms associated with COVID-19 or other sickness not to participate or attend any event. This is for your own safety, the safety of volunteers, the Dynamic Discs staff, and everyone else involved.

As a tournament player it is your responsibility to know the rules of disc golf before competing in a sanctioned event. Please be responsible and know the formats/layouts and daily schedule before arriving at the event.

Water Stations on Courses:
Water on the courses is for you, the player. Please abide the rules provided below while dispensing water:
Please use the provided hand sanitizer first
Our suggestion is to designate one person on your card to dispense water for everyone after following the protocol above.

IX. Dynamic Discs Texas COVID Policies and Waiver (cont’d)
As tournament/competitive/recreational players it is our responsibility to adhere to park rules, COVID-19 standards and precautions, and to the welfare of others. Please keep sidewalks and paths clear of bags/carts. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way. Even though these events are official, and we have exclusive use of the courses, these are public parks. We DO NOT kick people out or tell them they cannot play the course. We DO tell them what is going on and give them all of the information needed to make sure there is little or no issue. In all cases these situations tend to work themselves out. As tournament players I feel it is our duty to be positive and informative towards others regardless of being a part of a paid tournament. All in all, we should be respectful and kind to everyone we come in contact with.

Event Participant COVID-19 Waiver
Participants understand that participation in this event carries with it risk of injury or death and I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns expressly release, forever discharge, and hold harmless any 2022 event hosted by Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC., Steven Storrie, Dynamic Discs Lewisville, LLC. and its staff, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside Discs, all municipalities and organizations in relation to the event including their officers, agents, and employees, and the Professional Disc Golf Association from all personal injury, loss, damage to property, or death in connection with my participation in this event.

Further, I understand and acknowledge that there currently exists a global pandemic associated with the disease COVID-19, that I am participating in this event at my own risk, that any safety precautions designed to protect against the spread of COVID-19 undertaken by the Releasees does not guarantee I will not contract COVID-19, and that, the foregoing notwithstanding, it is my specific intent to affirm my foregoing release of the Releases with respect to any personal injury, loss, damage to property, or death I may experience from COVID-19 in connection with my participation in this event.

X. Scoring for BYOP Doubles

UDisc is the preferred scoring application for recording a Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles round. We will also accept any other electronic scoring outlet. The scores need to be recorded, then verified by all members in the group


1. PDGA-Sanctioned Event Requirements
Event directors and all staff, players, spectators, etc. (event participants) must follow all government guidelines for the event’s location concerning conducting organized sporting events, including following any requirements for physical distancing (example: minimum two-meter [6 feet] physical distancing) upon arrival at the event and at all times prior to, during, and after their rounds at the event and in all event locations.
Event directors and participants must still follow all normal PDGA rules concerning competition, such as properly holing out, etc.
Anyone who has COVID-19, is exhibiting common symptoms of COVID-19, is ill, or is in direct contact with someone with COVID-19, must not participate and may be asked to leave the event.
Event directors and participants who willfully and repeatedly violate government guidelines may be subject to PDGA disciplinary action up to and including penalties for a Class A offense.
2. PDGA-Sanctioned Event Best Practices
The below items are best practices for event directors and participants of a sanctioned event that may be used to further enhance government and public health agency COVID-19 safety requirements and guidelines.

2.1 Event Management Best Practices
The event director should ensure that all participants at the event are aware of all current requirements of the government, as well as these PDGA Best Practices.
The event director should check with their local government concerning the number of allowed participants at an event (including staff, players, spectators, etc.). Events with large numbers of participants may not be allowed, but if the event can explain that there will be no large gatherings at any given time and that the player group size is limited and spread out, the event might be permitted. Example: If an event with 144 players explains the mitigation steps to be practiced (no mass gatherings, 15-minute tee times with no more than four players in any one group and with all participants required to practice government required physical distancing), the government may allow it.
2.2 Event Operational Best Practices
Events should avoid physical group settings such as player meetings, award ceremonies, vending, or any other ancillary activity that brings a larger group of participants together.
For communication needs with participants, event directors should provide all information (course rules, FAQs, etc.) electronically (email, Facebook Live, YouTube, or another streaming service) wherever possible to avoid the need for larger gatherings like player meetings.
Where possible, event registration should be done electronically without walk-up registrations.
Event directors should implement organizational measures for the event to prepare for cancellation, postponement, rearrangement, or refunding of the event, to include limiting expenditures on merchandise by utilizing electronic voucher systems for trophies, player packs, and amateur merchandise payouts.
Events should avoid designating a “Tournament Central” where players might congregate. Instead, there should be a segregated staff area where only staff are allowed.
Player check-in should be handled via drive-up at one or more locations at a time, but one vehicle at a time per location without participants leaving their vehicle. If drive-up check-in is not practical, use multiple separated check-in locations with metering of players to provide physical distancing.
When considering practice putting and warm-up areas, be sure to use multiple practice baskets or driving nets which are located far enough apart to ensure proper physical distancing measures. If it is not possible to safely establish a warm-up area, encourage players to use other methods for warming up their bodies.
Flex start and tee time formats are preferred over shotgun starts, as they provide better distancing of players without as much potential for mass gatherings. In some cases where course length or a government limitation on the number of players allows for it, consider running two tee time rounds back-to-back using the same player groupings for both rounds (like a flex start event, this may require a tie for first place.)
Scoreboards with player round cards should not be used. Event scoring and player tee times or hole assignments should be handled electronically through the PDGA Tournament Manager and the PDGA Digital Scorecard.
For tee time rounds, the interval between playing groups should be as long as possible to keep playing groups separated. (Example: Instead of 10-minute intervals, use 15-minute intervals.)
Players should be advised to show up for their tee times at a time less than the tee time interval to prevent larger groups of people in the start area. (If the tee time interval is 15 minutes, advise the players to show up no more than 10 minutes prior to their tee time.)
Advise players before arrival to avoid congregating in any area (parking lot, practice baskets, bathroom areas, staffing area, etc.).
Avoid using fivesomes to minimize the number of group participants.
If paper scorecards are a necessity, event directors should use every precaution to distribute and receive them in a safe manner. Consider using a cell phone photo of the group’s completed scorecard as opposed to physically handing it off from a player to staff.
Where possible, provide hand wash/sanitation stations.
Events should follow government guidance on providing food service or retail operations.
Events should avoid the use of communal water stations. (see 2.3.C below)
Consider using electronically distributed certificates instead of physical trophies.
Consider using electronically distributed online vouchers instead of physical player packs. If physical player packs are a necessity, they should be handed out in a distributed manner to avoid large groups, such as being picked up by players only as each tee time group comes off the course and they are already headed to their vehicles.
Consider using electronic payout for Pro payout rather than physical cash or checks.
Consider awarding Amateur merchandise payout through electronically distributed online vouchers rather than physical merchandise.
If it is necessary to have physical items passed from person to person, consider how to do so as safely as possible, such as wearing gloves or utilizing regular hand washing or sanitation.
2.3 Staff and Participant Best Practices
Anyone who is in a high-risk category as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, or similar country-specific agencies should not participate.
Participants should not touch discs, bags, carts, or any other property belonging to another participant.
Participants should bring and control their own food and water for the entire day (see 2.2.K above).
If using a digital scorecard, the players in a group may agree on a single player to keep score electronically, or the digital scorecard should be virtually handed off to another player when it is their turn so they can use their own device whenever possible. Mobile devices should not be shared among players.
If using paper scorecards is the only option, the players in a group should agree on a single person to keep score to prevent the passing of a scorecard from player to player.

Equipment Best Practices
Players should consider uniquely marking their discs on both the top and the bottom of the discs, thereby helping to identify the owner of a disc without the need for someone to touch it to flip it over.
Players should clear their disc from a target before another player putts out. A player should not putt into a target that already has another disc within it.
Players should carefully remove their disc from a target and avoid touching any surface of the target while doing so.
Once a disc has contacted a target, players should consider sanitizing their disc prior to subsequent use or placing it into their bag. The process of sanitizing equipment by a player must be done in a timely manner and not violate normal Excessive Timerequirements found in 802.03 of the Official Rules of Disc Golf.

Refund policy

Dynamic Discs Carrollton is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.