Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles @ Jimmy Porter
Doubles tournament · Fri, Jun 12, 2020Jun 2020 · Carrollton, TX

Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles @ Jimmy Porter
Doubles tournament
Friday, June 12, 2020
Hosted by Dynamic Discs Carrollton
The schedule is not posted.
MIX | Guy/Girl Team | $30 / team |
MPO | Mixed Pro Open | $40 / team |
FPO | Women's Pro Open | $40 / team |
MP40 | Mixed Pro 40+ | $40 / team |
MA1 | Mixed Am 1 | $30 / team |
FA1 | Women's Am 1 | $30 / team |
MA2 | Mixed Am 2 | $30 / team |
About this tournament
1 round of play
Dynamic Discs 2020 BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles
We pledge to be professional and courteous in our efforts to create the best experience possible for all competitors . Creating the best possible atmosphere for fair competition is our number one priority. If you have questions regarding any of the tour standards we have put into place, please email [email redacted]. We appreciate our patrons, our supporters, our competitors, our sponsors, and the entire Disc Golf family.
Dynamic Discs 2020 BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles
Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles Template
Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles are built to accommodate players who want to play competitively without the expense, stress, scheduling conflicts or intimidation of larger tournaments. These events allow you to play at your own convenience between the times allotted for each event. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles allow players to play multiple times with each entry. Teams may play in any division they qualify for based on PDGA rating and cash requirements. In most cases these events are on an 18-hole layout and all divisions play the same layout unless otherwise specified. The hours vary, but most events allow competitors to tee off anytime from 8AM-3PM during the winter months and 9AM-6PM during the majority of Daylight Savings Time. Location, course difficulty, and time of year are the deciding factors and are subject to change from week to week.
The cost per Doubles Team is $30.00 for Amateur (merchandise winnings) Divisions and $40.00 for Pro (cash winnings) Divisions. An optional Ace Pot is available for an additional $10.00 per team. The ace pot which accompanies each event rolls over to the next BYOP Doubles event if an eligible hole-in-one is not hit. Once the ace pot grows to $1,500.00, it is capped and a back-up ace pot begins. Only participating teams who paid the optional $10.00 at each event are eligible for ace payout in the instance they hit a hole-in-one.
Any person may compete in a Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles event. Competitors DO NOT need to be current PDGA members to register. Participants are eligible to compete in any division for which they qualify based on age, rating, gender and class (professional or amateur based on PDGA guidelines). Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events do not award trophies nor do they offer a player’s package. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events offer 100% Payout to all divisions. Scores and registration are uploaded to a public google document periodically throughout each Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles event so competitors and the general public alike may follow participation, scores, and final results.
II. Registration
Registration for Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events can be done onsite the day of the event or online through DiscGolfScene.com. The event capacity is 250 competitors. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events do not provide player packs to amateur players. There is no waitlist and no minimum participation for any division. The cost of these events is listed in RED in the first section of the template and is subject to change.
III. Withdrawals and Refunds
Once a player begins his/her round, there will be no refunds given for any reason. If a player has to quit due to injury, illness, or an emergency during their round, a score of 999 will be assessed for not finishing the event. Communication is key so our staff can better serve you.
IV. Event Check-In
Check-in for a Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles event is complete once a team registers onsite or verifies their pre-registration on DiscGolfScene.com with the Dynamic Discs staff onsite.
V. Grouping and Sectioning of Divisions
Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles do not have a set minimum of participation for any division. Players may choose the individuals they play with. Players in different divisions may compete on the same card. This will happen often when teams are waiting to be placed in a group to begin play. The minimum number of teams needed to start a round is two and the maximum is TWO unless otherwise specified by the Tournament Director before the event begins.
VI. Rules of Disc Golf/Competition
Please refer to the Professional Disc Golf Association’s Competition Manual and the Official Rules of Disc Golf for guidelines on the rules of disc golf and competition standards. These rules and standards will be used by Dynamic Discs in order to ensure the safety, fairness, and integrity of the sport. Players will be held accountable for their actions at all times. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
VII. Ties Broken
Ties for first place in any division will be broken with sudden-death play involving the teams affected by the tie as long as all parties are present. Sudden-death play will begin on hole one unless otherwise stated by the Dynamic Discs staff. If all parties are not present for a tie breaker, all parties involved in first place ties will receive first place. Winnings for first place ties at Flex Start events will always be split evenly between all finishers with the same score.
In the event the tournament is called due to dangerous conditions, first place ties will not be broken and all competitors currently tied for first place will be considered co-champions assuming there is no option to continue/complete play.
VIII. Distribution of Tournament Winnings
Cash winnings for Professionals will be sent out on Monday before 7PM CDT following any Friday, Saturday or Sunday event. This will be handled via PayPal. If the recipient(s) does not have a paypal account, Dynamic Discs Carrollton will hold winnings until the individual can receive payment. Winnings not redeemed within 6 months will be relinquished by the player.
Merchandise winnings of any sort shall be claimed within six(6) months from the date of the event. Any winnings not redeemed inside of six months will be relinquished by the player. DDC offers payout onsite during each event and anytime during business hours at Dynamic Discs Carrollton. If a competitor wishes to use payout online, 30% of the total amount of payout will be deducted for this service.
Trophies - Trophies are not awarded at Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events
We pledge to be professional and courteous in our efforts to create the best experience possible for all competitors . Creating the best possible atmosphere for fair competition is our number one priority. If you have questions regarding any of the tour standards we have put into place, please email [email redacted]. We appreciate our patrons, our supporters, our competitors, our sponsors, and the entire Disc Golf family.
Dynamic Discs 2020 BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles
Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles Template
Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles are built to accommodate players who want to play competitively without the expense, stress, scheduling conflicts or intimidation of larger tournaments. These events allow you to play at your own convenience between the times allotted for each event. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles allow players to play multiple times with each entry. Teams may play in any division they qualify for based on PDGA rating and cash requirements. In most cases these events are on an 18-hole layout and all divisions play the same layout unless otherwise specified. The hours vary, but most events allow competitors to tee off anytime from 8AM-3PM during the winter months and 9AM-6PM during the majority of Daylight Savings Time. Location, course difficulty, and time of year are the deciding factors and are subject to change from week to week.
The cost per Doubles Team is $30.00 for Amateur (merchandise winnings) Divisions and $40.00 for Pro (cash winnings) Divisions. An optional Ace Pot is available for an additional $10.00 per team. The ace pot which accompanies each event rolls over to the next BYOP Doubles event if an eligible hole-in-one is not hit. Once the ace pot grows to $1,500.00, it is capped and a back-up ace pot begins. Only participating teams who paid the optional $10.00 at each event are eligible for ace payout in the instance they hit a hole-in-one.
Any person may compete in a Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles event. Competitors DO NOT need to be current PDGA members to register. Participants are eligible to compete in any division for which they qualify based on age, rating, gender and class (professional or amateur based on PDGA guidelines). Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events do not award trophies nor do they offer a player’s package. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events offer 100% Payout to all divisions. Scores and registration are uploaded to a public google document periodically throughout each Dynamic Discs BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Partner) Doubles event so competitors and the general public alike may follow participation, scores, and final results.
II. Registration
Registration for Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events can be done onsite the day of the event or online through DiscGolfScene.com. The event capacity is 250 competitors. Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events do not provide player packs to amateur players. There is no waitlist and no minimum participation for any division. The cost of these events is listed in RED in the first section of the template and is subject to change.
III. Withdrawals and Refunds
Once a player begins his/her round, there will be no refunds given for any reason. If a player has to quit due to injury, illness, or an emergency during their round, a score of 999 will be assessed for not finishing the event. Communication is key so our staff can better serve you.
IV. Event Check-In
Check-in for a Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles event is complete once a team registers onsite or verifies their pre-registration on DiscGolfScene.com with the Dynamic Discs staff onsite.
V. Grouping and Sectioning of Divisions
Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles do not have a set minimum of participation for any division. Players may choose the individuals they play with. Players in different divisions may compete on the same card. This will happen often when teams are waiting to be placed in a group to begin play. The minimum number of teams needed to start a round is two and the maximum is TWO unless otherwise specified by the Tournament Director before the event begins.
VI. Rules of Disc Golf/Competition
Please refer to the Professional Disc Golf Association’s Competition Manual and the Official Rules of Disc Golf for guidelines on the rules of disc golf and competition standards. These rules and standards will be used by Dynamic Discs in order to ensure the safety, fairness, and integrity of the sport. Players will be held accountable for their actions at all times. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
VII. Ties Broken
Ties for first place in any division will be broken with sudden-death play involving the teams affected by the tie as long as all parties are present. Sudden-death play will begin on hole one unless otherwise stated by the Dynamic Discs staff. If all parties are not present for a tie breaker, all parties involved in first place ties will receive first place. Winnings for first place ties at Flex Start events will always be split evenly between all finishers with the same score.
In the event the tournament is called due to dangerous conditions, first place ties will not be broken and all competitors currently tied for first place will be considered co-champions assuming there is no option to continue/complete play.
VIII. Distribution of Tournament Winnings
Cash winnings for Professionals will be sent out on Monday before 7PM CDT following any Friday, Saturday or Sunday event. This will be handled via PayPal. If the recipient(s) does not have a paypal account, Dynamic Discs Carrollton will hold winnings until the individual can receive payment. Winnings not redeemed within 6 months will be relinquished by the player.
Merchandise winnings of any sort shall be claimed within six(6) months from the date of the event. Any winnings not redeemed inside of six months will be relinquished by the player. DDC offers payout onsite during each event and anytime during business hours at Dynamic Discs Carrollton. If a competitor wishes to use payout online, 30% of the total amount of payout will be deducted for this service.
Trophies - Trophies are not awarded at Dynamic Discs BYOP Doubles events
Refund policy
Dynamic Discs Carrollton is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.